throw a handle in a sentence

Use “throw a handle” in a sentence | “throw a handle” example sentences

1- In very calm wind conditions the balloon pilot can throw the handling line from the balloon so that the ground crew can guide the balloon safely away from obstructions on the ground.

2- “… it was not really the length of sentence that worried me – for I had always believed that if a fellow went into the I.R.A. at all he should be prepared to throw the handle after the hatchet, die dog or shite the licence – but that I’d sooner be with Charlie and Ginger and Browny in Borstal than with my own comrades and countrymen any place else.

Related Words:
throw upthrow a partythrow a potthrow a punchthrow a questionthrow a remarkthrow a switchthrow a handlethrow a leverthrow light onthrow money atthrow cautionthrow openthrow shapesthrow dice

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