thornier in a sentence

Use ‘thornier’ in a sentence | ‘thornier’ example sentences

1- The thornier aspects continue to intrigue international legal experts.

2- The next page is a little thornier .

3- But app developers face an even thornier problem .

4- Contemporary geology, however, posed thornier problems.

5- This question is thornier than it first appears.

6- Potentially thornier negotiations around spending cuts and the debt ceiling remain unresolved.

7- The issues seemed to get thornier and thornier.

8- The issues seemed to get thornier and thornier .

9- The location of Vinland is a thornier question.

10- Handling naughtiness is one of the thornier issues that parents have to face.

11- The forging of Harry’s signature on the deed creates a much thornier problem.

12- This is a thornier problem, where enlightenment will be forever out of reach.

13- The thornier issue at stake here is, of course, the understanding of justice.

14- Discourse presents even thornier problems.

15- Question two is even thornier .

16- Question two is even thornier .

17- However this is a much thornier work altogether and one that enshrines quite a rigorous use of twelve-tone throughout its five-minute length.

18- In addition, issues of who gets what percentage of capital gains and who will be responsible for what portion of the mortgage, taxes, utilities, etc, are also thornier when the owners aren’t married to each other.

19- The issue becomes even thornier when school projects to make cards or gifts for moms and dads on those days come into the picture.

20- But a thornier issue for members of the EU could be what to include from the list of nearly 100 member state options in their implementation, which must be complete by July 2015.

21- Although some of these thornier works are orchestral (the serialist Connotations , for example, most were written for chamber ensembles or for solo piano.

22- The question of what should be done is much thornier , to be sure – it requires more thinking, analysis, reflection, even soul-searching.

23- thornier still , Nvidia claims to have created a “frame metering” tech to smooth out frame delivery to the display on SLI configs–and that further complicates the timing.

24- The budget is due March 31 , making resolution of these thornier issues unlikely until later in the legislative session, which ends in June.

25- For help with thornier legal problems , Rocket Lawyer charges a yearly subscription fee, which gives customers access to initial consultations, document review, phone consultations, and legal representation from local attorneys at a significant discount from standard fees.

26- The New Space 2013 conference also looked at thornier aspects of the commercialization of space , including whether private companies should be allowed to use the resources they extract in space for private gain and which earthly laws should be used to resolve business disputes in space.

27- Among the thornier problems has been the issue of guest worker visas , especially in regard to the flow of low-skilled workers for jobs in construction.

28- A recent piece at NPR did just that, looking forward to potential copyright fights, which are just now starting to arise and are likely to get thornier .

29- It avoided the most obvious (and, perhaps, most passive) ground for decision – Equal Protection – and jumped headfirst into the far thornier thicket of substantive due process.

30- With the rolling election now in progress, the issue of India’s missing billions has grown progressively thornier , as both sides vie to take the moral high ground.

31- “… The situation only gets thornier for Joyce, who also owns a small art gallery with one full-time employee.

32- “People have come here not just with specific and tangible pledges but have been willing to tackle thornier issues of culture.

33- “Ensuring individuals have access to the coverage and care they need is a thornier problem than we could have imagined just a few years ago.

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