talk together in a sentence

How to use the word talk together in a sentence

My mind kept straying back to our last talk together.

We used to have great times talking together .

I can’t remember once seeing them talking together .

Following are excerpts from our two-day talk together .

We talked together for about two hours.

Three young Arabs got out and stood quietly talking together .

The way we walk and talk together .

We sat drinking and talking together for a while.

We went out together , talked together , prayed together.

Nearby, she heard a male and female talking together .

We should have talked together – hammered the whole situation out.

The other key step was to make the computers talk together .

Talk together about any problems as honestly as possible.

Talk together about the steps you take to attack each problem.

They talked together and worked out how to solve the problem.

They talked together like old friends.

We talk together about what we want to say.

When his friend comes, they talk together in this foreign language.

As they looked they talked together .

Later, the children talked together .

Now we walk and talk together .

Barbara Coleman and Durance were talking together , everyone else went downstairs.

Girls love hearing the perspective of a guy and talking together builds trust.

Setting aside the things that divide us, some bishops started talking together .

On the third day, news surfaced that the four had talked together .

The two became good friends and often toured the U.S. giving talks together .

Whatever happened to getting together with your friends or family and talking together ?

Couple communication I: talking together .

Anna and Vronskaya have traveled and talked together in the same carriage.

I assure you, they even talk together of young Senor Grant!

Two radios talking together have to use the same polarization for maximum signal strength.

We had long talks together , usually over breakfasts of pancakes with maple syrup.

The three of them spent hours talking together , usually in the radio-room.

Oliver and Tim were talking together , Cobalt was waiting for his prey.

Talk together and create a joint idea of what your marriage will be.

Adults talking together about professional issues is a powerful tool for learning and school improvement.

When people talk together about marriage they often assume they are discussing the same thing.

Two men were talking together .

Williams and J.J. meet together at the club and talk together in the office.

They laughed and talked together .

Mother and son talked together .