talipes in a sentence

How to use the word talipes in a sentence

Club foot is sometimes known as talipes .

What problems do you think club foot talipes might cause?

I’m a sixteen year old girl with bilateral talipes .

Our son was diagnosed with bilateral talipes at the 20 week scan.

How do you pronounce that, talipes ?

I found out my son had talipes at my 20 week scan.

Advice to parents with babies with talipes – keep all your records.

I was born with Bilateral talipes and I am now 30.

Endo K et al: reproductive landfill and esmolol after dilation talipes .

I was born with talipes and i have suffered with pain for 23 years.

Clubfoot (also called talipes equinovarus) is a birth defect of the foot.

Clubfoot, also called talipes , is the inward and downward turning of the foot.

A clubfoot, or talipes equinovarus (TEV), is a birth defect.

Medical Term: talipes Equinovarus Deformity.

Congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) or clubfoot is a common foot abnormality present at birth.

Clubfoot, also known as talipes equinovarus, is a congenital (present at birth) foot deformity.

He was born with bilateral talipes which were scored at 5.5 in one foot and 3.5 in the other.

Also I find it unacceptable that so few people in the NHS have any understanding at all of talipes Equinovarus.

A small minority of babies are born with club foot ( talipes equinovarus) where the foot is at an unusual angle.

The medical term for clubfoot is Congenital talipes Equinovarus . This condition has been described in medical literature since the ancient Egyptians.

I asked Joey if he thought the talipes or ‘club foot’ felt alien to us from our twenty first-century perspective?

Hi, I would just like to put anyone’s mind at rest who have just found out their baby has talipes .