How to use the word taken into account in a sentence
But other things would need to be taken into account as well.
Have you taken into account the possibility of rain?
This factor is taken into account in giving the calorie values of carbohydrate foods.
Personal vocational training is rarely taken into account .
Sometimes practical considerations are taken into account .
Only hours actually worked are taken into account .
Various factors must therefore be taken into account before embarking.
Size of family is taken into account .
Religious reasons are also taken into account .
Games where chance is too important are not taken into account .
Screen resolution is not taken into account .
Local community views should be taken into account .
He has taken into account peer responses and has replied accordingly.
I know markets are taken into account .
Building aesthetics are also taken into account .
The initial three months are not taken into account .
Yet historical context should be taken into account too.
This is often taken into account when designing rockets.
Personal characteristics must be taken into account .
The heat of battle was however taken into account .
Thermal considerations and geometry are taken into account .
The demographic structure should be taken into account .
Who knows what was taken into account .
This variable hasn’t been taken into account .
Of course, these factors are always taken into account .
Human rights will be taken into account .
Nothing else can be taken into account .
Once inflation was taken into account , cash even lost value.
Will these factors please be taken into account .
Increased efficiency can be taken into account .
Only results in the current tournament are taken into account .
Many other points must be taken into account .
Not when vitamin D was taken into account .
No, duration was not taken into account .
What factors are taken into account when designing a skyscraper?
Any degree of provocation should be taken into account .
In addition, state taxation issues should be taken into account .
What ethical and legal issues should be taken into account ?
However, temporal coding must be taken into account .
Only the first functional invention is taken into account .
These considerations however are now not taken into account .
All other variables are not taken into account while comparing models.
Comparison level is also taken into account during a relationship.