take pleasure in a sentence

How to use the word take pleasure in a sentence

Would she take pleasure in sacrificial murder?

Enjoy take pleasure in your afternoon tea!

They take pleasure in killing the innocent.

Take pleasure in your hobbies and interests.

I generally take pleasure in a more subtle approach.

They take pleasure in delusions of persecution.

Taking pleasure out of somebody ‘s trauma.

Indeed, he took pleasure in showing off these accomplishments.

A.J. takes pleasure in reminding Jason that he is illegitimate.

Why do we take pleasure in viewing paintings depicting sadness?

You will not take pleasure in burnt offerings.

Some Arabs take pleasure in blaming America.

The standard take pleasure in happens to be established durable.

In any event I did take pleasure in reading it.

Disgraceful servitude that takes pleasure in the flesh!

Eric took pleasure in the contempt Red had for this decision.

Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.

But God does not take pleasure in pouring out judgment.

She took pleasure in clothes, and I did not.

Debby takes pleasure in going through investigations and it is obvious why.

Why does it deserve contempt when people take pleasure from it?

Take pleasure in the rest of the new year.

Some of those people would take pleasure in making them suffer.

They take pleasure and when they see age coming they settle.

Schadenfreude is when you take pleasure in someone else’s pain.

Even the youngest CHILDREN take pleasure in music and rhythm.

A farmer or gardener may take pleasure in working in the yard.

Was God taking pleasure in himself?

Ellie takes pleasure in carrying out internet research and it is obvious why.

You want to get strong, but take pleasure in eating.

Evidently, she took pleasure in surprising her tutors with new vocabulary.

Kay and Harry took pleasure in traveling extensively throughout the United States.

Like Hitler, Bush takes pleasure in the mythology of frontier justice.

I was recently asked if I take pleasure alienating audiences with my music.

Let us instantly quit this cursed house that once I took pleasure in.

He makes serious efforts in deceiving her and takes pleasure when he succeeds.

To contemplate is to observe & to take pleasure in what is observed.

See Mimi take pleasure in the foibles of various public transit eccentrics.

Ohno’s character who took pleasure from inflicting pain and knocking out opponents.

The nyse ran into missed impacts 90 amount of their take pleasure in.

From that moment the young man no longer took pleasure in his viol.