take notes (took taken) in a sentence

How to use the word take notes in a sentence

Can you take notes over the phone?

Did you take notes at the lecture?

He drew out his notebook and began to take notes.

He sat with his pencil poised, ready to take notes.

Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.

The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.

The monitors were assigned to take notes for the meeting.

Can you take notes over the phone?

Did you take notes at the lecture?

Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.

The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.

The monitors were assigned to take notes for the meeting.

He sat with his pencil poised, ready to take notes.

Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise.

We hope retailers and manufacturers are taking notes .

She took notes steadily throughout our discussion.

A couple of reporters were taking notes .

Takes notes for hair & makeup too.

Take notes during your positive listening sessions.

A legal notebook for taking notes is always recommended.

Taking notes helps concentration, particularly during long meetings.

I thought they should have taken notes .

I wonder if our esteemed leaders are taking notes ?

Not realizing the whole damn world is watching and taking notes .

Take notes and ask questions to gain clarity .

Use pencil when taking notes from records.

To prevent yourself from repeating failed attempts, try taking notes .

Take notes – Why is this fun?

The outer circle observes the inner circle, while taking notes .

But meanwhile , Hollywood was taking notes .

Mind Maps provide an extremely effective method of taking notes .

The reporters took notes , but were clearly not happy.

It’s like taking notes in school.

Taking notes of successful and unsuccessful batches is also helpful.

Can I take notes during the trial?

Take notes , or keep a research journal.

He took notes for his book on geology.

Listen and take notes on office procedure.

Take notes on various ideas, and decide later.

Take notes or document whenever you talk with relatives.

A notebook or paper to take notes .

And yes, CPS workers were taking notes and listening.

So compelling that Barack Obama was probably taking notes .

I’m taking notes during a Skype call.

He took notes , listened, and presented something.

The process involves simply watching incumbents perform their jobs and taking notes .

Watch, take notes and enjoy the process.

I’m trying to take notes while still watching the clerk.

Business owners, take notes and review your online marketing strategies.

Can I take notes and tape record the class?

If you need to take notes , ask permission.

Take notes on any restrictions such as GPA.

Take notes for future reference , and watch your step.

Take notes , keep good records and stay on track.