take interest in a sentence

How to use the word take interest in a sentence

I take great interest in history.

For the first time, he stood to take a real interest in his studies.

They take a deep interest in what you are buying.

Do your parents take an interest in your friends?

I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.

I take great interest in history.

For the first time, he stood to take a real interest in his studies.

They take a deep interest in what you are buying.

Do your parents take an interest in your friends?

I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.

You can just take out the interest each year, if you choose.

With interest rates, the smaller banks will take their cue from the Federal Bank.

Urban planners in practice have to take account of many interest groups in society.

Take interest rate calculations as an example.

Fewer people took interest in keeping the traditions alive.

But taking interest is a clearcut case of exploitation.

They never had taken interest to mollify the heart.

All seemed to take interest and greeted Stella.

This was an activity that the whole community took interest in.

He took interest in the lives and started reforming them.

Take interest in some of his hobbies.

After that the news spread and her parents took interest .

There he received his primary education and took interest in boxing.

Dr. Murthy also takes interest in various social activities .

In recent years, some hobbyists have taken interests in lasers.

Communicate take interest in people outside your friend circle .

He lately took interest in chess.

Another area where Svāti Tirunāḷ took interest was in astronomy.

They took interest and pride in preserving early memorials of their people.

In the 1980s, Danone researchers took interest in bifidobacteria.

Britain was the first country that took interest in Middle Eastern oil.

However, Russell takes interest in only a small sample of organisations.

Thank you for taking interest in the settlers of Itamar.

It is only the mind that takes interest in what it produces.

Not take free cases that their stupid client like yourself takes interest in.

My mom take interest in getting into investigations and it is obvious why.

Transnational feminists take interests in projects to improve gender relations in family agriculture.

Recently, scholars and technicians have taken interest in the concept, however.

Ellie take interest in engaging in internet research and it’s obvious why.