take-home pay in a sentence

How to use the word take-home pay in a sentence

So her take-home pay as a working cosmetologist was only about $ 6. 70 an hour.

However, after paying travel expenses her take-home pay would have been the same.

Take-home pay rose persistently during the inflation of the 1960s and early 1970s.

Instead of focusing on the take-home pay, examine your total compensation package.

After taxes, his take-home pay is $700.

These economic effects would be vividly evident in take-home pay .

The answer lies in the real increase in take-home pay .

When we signed off my take-home pay was $1,400.

As a result, savings increase, without affecting take-home pay .

Hours decline , dragging take-home pay down with them.

So people , their take-home pay is smaller.

So now all working Americans have less take-home pay .

Gas prices are going up and their take-home pay is going down .

The percent of total take-home pay used for education is ___% 26.

What percentage of your take-home pay should be fixed expenses? 2.

Take-home pay hardly increased under the Labour Government of 1974-79.

And were talking about your take-home pay , not your gross income.

It really increased my take-home pay .

Instead, they could pay higher wages, resulting in increased take-home pay .

Full employment and higher take-home pay without a penny more in taxes or spending.

That is the increase in real take-home pay for someone on half average earnings.

About a third of our take-home pay is spent on grocery and household items.

At number five there are further complaints about squeezes in take-home pay and pensions .

Your take-home pay plus your interest earnings on investments and savings is your cash inflow.

The gap between cost of living and take-home pay is growing at an alarming rate.

However, after paying travel expenses her take-home pay would have been the same.

Therefore changes to what they have to do affects GPs ‘ take-home pay .

However, for the last decade it is clear that real take-home pay has declined.

This is your take-home pay , or the money you have available for expenditures.

Workers are not able to choose to trade small adjustments in hours worked against take-home pay .

Consider how F ‘s donation affects his take-home pay : F is paid weekly.

The take-home pay is less.

The take-home pay is less.

Composers are not a wealthy bunch, at least as measured by their take-home pay .

You see, our own renter may have to treat as being inducement take-home pay .

With workers’ real gross incomes determined primarily by accumulation, higher taxes bit into take-home pay .

And every time my take-home pay from work is half of what I’ve actually earned.

Better take-home pay ,” he said, touting the Tories’ plan to boost employment.

I would add that a good rule of thumb for housing is 25% of take-home pay .

Medicare premiums are typically deducted from Social Security payments , resulting in less Social Security take-home pay .

But , explaining that rising health-care costs are depressing take-home pay is little consolation to a working mom.

It represents, in short, the proportion of take-home pay kept as cash in the bank.

That means take-home pay for a household earning $ 50,000 a year has been sliced by $1,000.

In addition to more take-home pay , Uber promises more flexibility and transparency than Lyft or SideCar.