take pity on in a sentence

How to use the word took pity on in a sentence

The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants.

People took pity on the orphan.

He took pity on me and helped me out.

Finally, a truck driver took pity on us and gave us a ride.

He looked so dispirited I took pity on him.

He looked so downcast I took pity on him.

They took pity on the stray cat and fed it.

The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants.

People took pity on the orphan.

He took pity on me and helped me out.

Finally, a truck driver took pity on us and gave us a ride.

He looked so dispirited I took pity on him.

He looked so downcast I took pity on him.

They took pity on the stray cat and fed it.

The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants.

People took pity on the orphan.

And never a saint took pity on .

Milton took pity on his embarrassed friend.

Please take pity on me and write!

She is the fairy queen , taking pity on Lee.

And please take pity on the son of Your beloved.

Malcolm takes pity on Archie and vows to help him.

Perhaps some individuals did take pity on some of those crucified.

At last we met a man who took pity on us.

The theft of fire Then, Prometheus took pity on mankind.

The Lord God took pity on His people.

Eventually, the tree took pity on me and fell over.

Taking pity on him, she took care of his wounds.

And then I took pity on him and lent him forty.

But sleep will not take pity on me now.

Who would take pity on her and her child?

The cops took pity on him and decided not to press charges.

One man, Dabu, took pity on it though.

Wickham took pity on her, remembering her anxiety on Monday.

I repeated myself and she took pity on me and my kids.

Please take pity on our souls.

Okay, I’ll take pity on all of you.

Perhaps God will take pity on them, as well.

Her sister is mercy-killed by a soldier that takes pity on her.

Nereus took pity on her and made her goddess of the river.

The pianist, taking pity on her, asked if she could sing.

Carson and fellow mountain man Alex Godey took pity on the two survivors.

In the end the ants take pity on the grasshopper on certain conditions.

I do want a new nobody takes pity on me though quiet there.

Two gods took pity on the people and decided to subdue the bad dragon.

Claudia gave a gasp of protest and he took pity on her obvious distress.

Taking pity on his abandoned son, the Great Prince leads Bambi home.

As the rest of the guys laughed, Patrick took pity on the kid.

The Oxfam man took pity on him and brought him a pair from stock.

However, an old dog takes pity on them and they manage to survive.

Jack took pity on her and befriended her, despite all that had happened.

They take pity on her and transform her into a myrrh-tree.

Most days it was smooth sailing , when I wasn’t taking pity on myself.

So I floundered around for a while but eventually they took pity on me.

Fortunately, the neighbor took pity on them and hid them in their homes.

Margo took pity on her newly discovered father and agreed to take him in.