taken sick in a sentence

How to use the word taken sick in a sentence

Nino was taken sick and had to retire from the merchant marine.

Túrin was also taken sick at that time, but recovered.

Benjamin was taken sick , and compelled to remain in Baltimore three weeks.

Metcalf was taken sick and died.

Upon returning to Basey, Major Waller was taken sick with fever.

You certainly want to look at doing something now before you actually get taken sick .

J. Bryan is taken sick with throat and lung trouble, at the home of Fred.

She then visited New Orleans, was taken sick , and while sick the city was captured.

The Captain, however, was soon taken sick , and died before he had done one tour of duty.

The mute was taken sick on the Medina river and he and Flacco stopped while the white men went on.

There she meets Michael Henchard, who is travelling on business and who is taken sick with a bout of severe depression.

His company was attached to a regiment commanded Col. Thomas Huggert who was taken sick in eight or ten days and returned home.

A daughter of a wealthy man was taken sick at Avalon and her mother obtained a specialist from Los Angeles by using the wireless.