take-charge in a sentence

How to use the word take-charge in a sentence

A take-charge dominant person might need to back-off and delegate more.

Tobe isn’t… a take-charge sort of guy.

The ultimate weapon against food allergies is an informed consumer with a take-charge attitude.

One take-charge adult can strip the boy leadership of the opportunity to lead.

Then there are the various expressions of leadership initiative , from take-charge to anything-goes.

Rob is a take-charge top with a knack for dirty-talking his men into submission.

They’re self-confident with take-charge attitudes and a follow-through that never disappoints.

Cazie is an explosive, endlessly vital, take-charge woman who comes and goes as she pleases.

In one such take-charge moment , Dr. Boyd realized there was a desperate need for more bedpans.

Knowledge and having a take-charge mindset and attitude are critical weapons in the fight against this deadly disease.

As it happened, some take-charge types ran with my idea, leaving me in a back pew.

Now Morgan’s a single mom, and she’s bowled over by the take-charge tycoon’s support.

Beyond a take-charge approach and a positive attitude, you can reduce stress in your life by nurturing yourself.

Take-charge leaders must prevent the greatest gambling game known to man from being ground to a halt by the arrogant and corrupt.