take (took takes) a dim view of in a sentence

How to use the word take a dim view of in a sentence

Dr Hallowell would take a dim view of this.

I take a dim view of this kind of behaviour.

The authorities take a dim view of protests at the best of times.

The villagers take a dim view of people who try to impress them.

Dr Hallowell would take a dim view of this.

I take a dim view of this kind of behaviour.

The authorities take a dim view of protests at the best of times.

The villagers take a dim view of people who try to impress them.

We take a dim view of employing virus authors.

As a keen amateur astronomer I take a dim view of being mistaken for a fortune teller!

Dr Hallowell would take a dim view of this.

I take a dim view of this kind of behaviour.

The authorities take a dim view of protests at the best of times.

The villagers take a dim view of people who try to impress them.

We take a dim view of employing virus authors.

As a keen amateur astronomer I take a dim view of being mistaken for a fortune teller!

John Adams took a dim view of aging.

Sondheim took a dim view of today’s musicals.

Courts took a dim view of the defense at first.

The MPD takes a dim view of this sort of activity.

English professional cricketers took a dim view of Armstrong’s approach to the game.

Trade unions take a dim view of anyone who exceeds speed limits or permitted hours.

Certainly the court can be expected to take a dim view of such clauses.

Most Americans still take a dim view of elites running things and for good reason.

Non-psychological game theorists tend to take a dim view of much of the refinement program.

Shi’ites have taken a dimmer view of al-Zahiri and his school.

That was underlined this week by China ‘s tech ministry taking a dim view of Android .

They were summoned to see Miss Rudge who took a dim view of the episode.

When informed, the JCS took a dim view of the Moc Chau raid.

Forbes and others took a dim view of this activity, suspecting personal and provincial financial motivation.

As a keen amateur astronomer I take a dim view of being mistaken for a fortune teller!

Eastern philosophy (and vedic astrology) takes a dim view of the acquisition of personal wealth.

As a gay man, he takes a dim view of feminists who attempt to hijack gay issues.

The political and social system in Muslim society would have taken a dim view of such a challenge.

I ‘ve managed well, but friends and family take a dim view of my low indoor temperatures.

Their representatives have taken a dim view of the use of their protected term publicly decrying the term.

French was affectionate about “dear old Bobs” but sometimes took a dim view of his military abilities.

Perhaps now more than ever , the public will take a dim view of internal instability and shenanigans.

But the reaction of independents is something else: They take a dim view of combatants on both sides.

However, Bozell, a faithful Roman Catholic, took a dim view of Father Medwid’s assessment.

Many local residents took a dim view of Sandford, and the newspapers engaged in “long-running campaigns against Shiloh.

I hope that the Minister is not back-tracking on them because we would take a dim view of that.

I take a dim view of British sentiments now but I also ask – how long will it take us ?

The European Commission has taken a dim view of any further relaxation, having previously granted Paris two years extra leeway.

It’s a safe assumption that this 10 percent takes a dim view of both parties and both chambers of Congress.

Suddenly he was apprehended by an irate Scout master who took a dim view of being woken at such an hour.

Like Dr. Voth, the network takes a dim view of doctors who only do IMEs and no other clinical work.

Their relationship did not survive this turn of events, Barney took a dim view of Angelos and heated letters were exchanged.

The electorate took a dim view of this practice when the government used it to get the consumption tax through in December.

He takes a dim view of television; but TV sets did find their way into the brownstone in the later stories.

But the NBA took a dim view of the first-year coach’s complaints and promptly slapped him with a $25,000 fine.