stall in a sentence

stall meaning:

n.) A stand; a station; a fixed spot; hence, the stand or place where a horse or an ox kept and fed;

n.) A bench or table on which small articles of merchandise are exposed for sale.

n. )the sudden unintended stopping of an engine.

v. ) to stop

stall sentence:

He sold boots on a market stall.

I bought this old clock at an antique stall in the market.

The stall sells drinks and snacks.

She sells fruits at a market stall.

There are stalls for 114 cows on the farm.

Plans for new nuclear capacity are stalled.

There are no stalls selling cheap watches.

The aircraft stalled at very low height.

There are food stalls within the fair area.

The century old barn has 6 stalls for the farm animals.

Many stalls are set up selling both local and exotic goods.

A broad selection of local stalls lined the closed off streets.

There are many fruit juice stalls and shoppers often visit them.

What caused the bus to stall was never determined.

You’ll find a few fish stalls.

On the stalls there are some wonderful bargains.

The negotiations proceeded slowly and ultimately stalled.

The investigation stalled until another murder was reported two weeks later.

Rail rapid plans were stalled due to high costs.

The wings lost lift and the aircraft stalled.

A number of projects got stalled due to environmental clearance.

There was a row of about stalls at the fair.

The stalls and booths were doing a brisk trade.

Goods at the food and clothing stalls were very cheap.

People clustered around the market stalls.

The car stalled at the roundabout.

He stalled the engine three times.

The resumption of a stalled India-EU free trade agreement is likely to be one point of discussion.

If you try to start off in top gear you’ll stall.

The stall sells drinks and snacks.

She sells fruits at a market stall.

She made two purchases from my stall.