spoon in a sentence

spoon meaning:

n.) An implement consisting of a small bowl usually a shallow oval with a handle, used especially in preparing or eating food.

spoon sentence:

We eat soup with a spoon.

She feeds the baby with a spoon.

The spoon slipped out of his hand.

She stirred the soup with a spoon.

The baby was banging the table with his spoon.

These spoons are made of plastic.

Dissolve two spoons of powder in warm water.

I collect silver tea spoons.

We put sugar in coffee with a spoon.

She licked the honey off the spoon.

Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon.

He blew on his soup before slurping it off the spoon.

It was eaten with a spoon and served on festal days as part of the main course.

Hallow out the tomatoes with a spoon.

I have a collection of silver tea spoons from all over the world.

My poor mother was forced to spoon feed me.

Melanie had never seen anyone playing spoons before.

I created spoon puppets for the two characters.

She mashed more banana and loaded it onto the spoon.

Katherine’s spoon tumbled from her hand.

She stirred it with her spoon without much enthusiasm.

The first person hit with a wooden spoon loses.

Peter laid the spoon on the table.

I went and brought forks and spoons.

The plastic spoons melt in the hot tea.

Use a dishwasher to clean dishes and spoons used for feeding.

Some of the spoons are carved from a single horn.