give-and-take in a sentence

How to use the word give-and-take in a sentence

The candidates engaged in a lively give-and-take, witnessed by a huge television audience.

This makes the ” give-and-take ” of social interaction very difficult.

There was a bit more give-and-take there.

It requires a give-and-take attitude for both to produce satisfactory results.

So there is a give-and-take going on here.

It provides give-and-take necessary for learning to think.

Another familiar failing was his distaste for the give-and-take of bargaining.

You have a wonderfully supportive partner where the give-and-take is equally divided.

You need to have give-and-take in your relationship, too.

Soon after, she appeared to understand some give-and-take of conversation.

Their relationship was a give-and-take relationship.

I pursued my study in depth and learned the give-and-take of disputation.

It thus prevents him from establishing relationships of co-operation, reciprocity and give-and-take .

The orchestra responds to the soloist with the give-and-take dialog one would expect.

The purpose of eye contact is to create a give-and-take relationship with your audience.

The give-and-take between industry and campus researchers plays a key role in the testing process.

We got into a very specific presentation , conversation, give-and-take with the president.

The cure isn’t toughness; it’s building a pattern of joyful give-and-take .

He can play very well now with his peers, on a give-and-take basis!

Friendship requires more than an occasional ‘hello.’ Friendship is a give-and-take relationship.

And relationships are about give-and-take .

There is a give-and-take atmosphere involved in parent-child communication and both control and support are balanced.

They have a nice give-and-take .

It’s a wonderful give-and-take .

Relationships at all levels require understanding, give-and-take , and the willingness to negotiate and compromise.

Luckily, I’m more active on other networks, but give-and-take matters quite a bit.

Lastly, compromising involves give-and-take whereby both parties give up something to make a mutually acceptable decision.

This give-and-take to a common acceptance of the powers of both the citizen and the state.

Living in a multi-ethnic and plural society requires compromise and give-and-take for the sake of peace.

Consider your give-and-take ratio: Mailing lists are successful when people are both asking and answering questions.

All of these phenotypes are complicated by a great deal of give-and-take between genes and environmental effects.

The Church of Scientology believes in the principle of reciprocity, involving give-and-take in every human transaction.

Thus the Guarneri’s rehearsals were marked by vigorous give-and-take , with disagreements frequent and forcefully expressed.

Multiple stereotypes have emerged in the breaking community over the give-and-take relationship between technical footwork and physical power.

Extensive verbal give-and-take is not refused, and parents try to be warm and nurturant toward the child.

In an interview with “Billboard”, Madonna commented that the recording process was a give-and-take situation.

There were no sounds , either, save for the soft give-and-take between Pangos and the television reporters.

The two functions work together harmoniously, with a fine and delicate precision, on the give-and-take principle.

These parents are notable for encouraging verbal give-and-take , and share with the child the reasoning behind their policy.

It’s always give-and-take .

I thought it would be worth mentioning to your readers the complete history of give-and-take between Britain and India