bloom in a sentence

bloom meaning:

n.) A blossom; the flower of a plant; an expanded bud; flowers, collectively.

n.) A state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor; the state or time of being in peak condition

v. ) to produce flowers; to flourish.

bloom sentence:

The roses are in full bloom.

These years saw the bloom of his energy.

The daffodils are blooming.

She is in the bloom of youth.

The lilies are in full bloom.

Some plants never bloom.

New ideas were blooming during hard times.

Many plants bloom in the spring.

The plant produced a single white bloom.

One bloom has the power to perfume a whole room.

These flowers will bloom all through the summer.

Some flowers bloom in spring and others in autumn.

Harry carefully picked the bloom.

The skin loses its youthful bloom.

She had a healthy bloom in her cheeks.

As I walked on slowly, a bright simile bloomed on my face.

She was blooming with good health.

May flowers were blooming everywhere.

New buildings are blooming across the city.

The garden is blooming with spring flowers.

They were blooming with health and happiness.

Tulips were blooming as far as the eye could see.

She was positively blooming the last time I saw her.

The flowers would be blooming in the Alps by now, he thought.

The blooms have started to fade now.

The flowers disappeared and oranges bloomed forth.

The first few days, the lily bloomed well.

The jasmine has bloomed and smells very sweet .

It has rich pink flowers that bloom early.

The beautiful seaside plants bloom from spring to autumn.

Golden club was blooming and the mosquitoes were biting.

Two black eyes were blooming spectacularly on his bloody face.

The century plant blooms only once in its lifetime.

She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.

They have bloomed well, but now the foliage is yellowing and they need pruning.