with scorn in a sentence

Use ‘with scorn’ in a sentence | ‘with scorn’ example sentences

1- Free speech!” she yelled with scorn .

2- Sir David treated that with scorn yesterday. The young boy was treated with scorn by his teammates when he cried after striking out.

3- Management’s claim that they needed to cut workers’ salaries in order to survive was greeted with scorn by the union.

4- But in the Arab Israeli community the series, even more than Kashua’s novels, was met with scorn.

5- By as early as 1895 experts looked on them with scorn and ridicule.

6- Rebecca Chalker notes that this book was largely met with scorn, skepticism and disbelief.

7- He is looked upon with scorn by his younger brother because he embezzled money from the firm when a young man.

8- Many people looked upon draft-dodgers with scorn as being “cowards”, but some supported them in their efforts.

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