weak tea in a sentence

Use “weak tea” in a sentence | “weak tea” example sentences

1- A continental Breakfast with grapefruit juice, light toast with weak tea to follow.

2- Wash away traces of tears with warm weak tea .

3- Soon the girls were eating their sandwiches and drinking weak tea .

4- Sip on water, weak tea , or clear soft drinks.

5- I asked about the unusual contents of the bottle and was told it was weak tea .

6- As Margaret made the sandwiches and a pot of weak tea , Maura glanced around her.

7- Mr Preston favours sheep droppings matured in a barrel and diluted to the colour of weak tea !

8- The tannin will give the water a yellowish or brownish cast, somewhat like very weak tea .

9- When finished they copy their work onto” parchments” (wallpaper stained with weak tea !).

10- Lunch, half cup of weak tea and quarter biscuit, which took over half an hour to make.

11- But to me, it’s pretty weak tea compared with the books I loved when I was young.

12- Miles slouched into the library of Vorkosigan House, a mug of weak tea clutched in his faintly trembling hand.

13- She had been intending to go in five minutes’ time, when she had drunk her cup of weak tea .

14- The river here is transparent, tinted like weak tea , and about 84 degrees Fahrenheit–a perfect temperature for swimming.

15- I well remember attending an ecumenical garden party, minding my own business and trying to juggle a cup of weak tea and a sinewy rock cake.

16- Give him small quantities of clear fluids such as water, weak tea or diluted soda water, lemonade or juice to drink. (Lemonade and juice are too strong for a child with gastroenteritis with diarrhoea – they must be diluted.) Do this often.

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beef teaa cup of teaa pot of teadrink teahot teasweet teastrong teaweak teablack teawhite teamilky teahigh teaRich Teatea cosytea shop

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