war against terrorism in a sentence

Use “war against terrorism” in a sentence | “war against terrorism” example sentences

1- The US government stepped up its war against terrorism.

2- war against terrorism is both sad and pointless.

3- The war against terrorism is a just endeavor.

4- The party is critical about the war against terrorism .

5- A war of Kurdish liberation or war against terrorism ?

6- I dwelt on the ideological aspects of the war against terrorism .

7- Thus all democracies may not unite in a war against terrorism .

8- Israel has few available and effective means in its war against terrorism .

9- Unlocking it is one key to winning America’s war against terrorism .

10- Post-Cold war geopolitics is the geopolitics of the war against terrorism .

11- The war against terrorism and homeland security will be much less a federal government monopoly.

12- The international war against terrorism has not helped Jakartas already strained links with its neighbors.

13- Going to war against terrorism ?

14- He has been crusading against Euskal self-determination under the guise of a war against terrorism .

15- The Saudi cooperation in the war against terrorism financing is largely insufficient, if not inconsistent.

16- In my opinion former President Bush, did the right thing by going to war against terrorism .

17- He told the Islamic hard-liners that he was joining the war against terrorism and not Islam.

18- Applebaum: With the war against terrorism we have a very different set of foreign policy objectives.

19- Can the United States effectively fight the war against terrorism by arming and training the Indonesian military?

20- What I will do this morning is to outline Singapore’s perspectives on the war against terrorism .

21- How much respect have you seen for “G-d’s creatures” in the war against terrorism ?

22- These are must read articles for anyone who considers themselves even marginally informed about our current war against terrorism .

23- That’s because as such Israel is able to say that it is leading a war against terrorism .

24- Bolan accepted and emerged under the name Colonel John Phoenix beginning his war against terrorism and the KGB.

25- July 23 (LG) With the war against terrorism our nation has been more patriotic than ever before.

26- Professor Intriligator said it is “absolutely premature to say that we have won the war against terrorism .

27- We need to help counsel former cult members and possibly use some of them in the war against terrorism .

28- The Canadian government has participated in the war against terrorism since the September 11 attacks in the United States.

29- The war against terrorism must therefore be simultaneously fought on both fronts: the ideological as well as the geopolitical.

30- Yet at the same time they themselves refuse to disclose information that is highly relevant to the war against terrorism .

31- In our fast-lane, computer-driven lives, do we have the patience to wait out the war against terrorism ?

32- As Noam Chomsky once said, “Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism .

33- Netherlands – Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende stated: “Continuous intensive attention is required in the war against terrorism .

34- If you are serious, you ask the U.S. to come and help us and win this war against terrorism .

35- Prime minister Wim Kok of the Netherlands announced that 1000 soldiers would join the efforts of the war against terrorism .

36- Frigates are deployed in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman to assist in the global war against terrorism .

37- Unfortunately, these tactics will neither aid in winning the war against terrorism nor encourage political and economic stability in Indonesia.

38- This war against terrorism is not a war not against moderate Thought-for-the-Day Islam but against the fundamentalism that breeds murderous martyrs.

39- As far as international obligations are concerned, Pakistan’s contribution in the global war against terrorism I have just mentioned.

40- Senior U.S. military officers and DoD officials have stressed that Bright Star is completely unrelated to the ongoing war against terrorism .

41- American support has been weakened by the war against terrorism , and the fallout from the events of 11 September 2001.

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