type up in a sentence

Use ‘type up’ in a sentence | ‘type up’ example sentences

1- I had a paragraph typed up , but why waste words?

2- Nothing has to be typed up , nothing gets lost.

3- Betty uses her desktop word processor to type up the text.

4- I forget that sarcasm is easily lost when something is typed up .

5- Be quiet and meditative and type up the answers you hear.

6- type up itinerary for delegate, (sample attached).

7- It shouldn’t take more than an hour to type up .

8- That said, many diaries contain detailed reports typed up after the event.

9- I quickly type up the word I want to look up.

10- I only type up stuff this long when it’s absolutely necessary.

11- It should be typed up in a clear font with good spacing. I’ll have the secretary type up the letter.

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