twelfths in a sentence

Use ‘twelfths’ in a sentence | ‘twelfths’ example sentences

1- Thus two thirds times three quarters is six twelfths .

2- If they said they got six twelfths ?

3- And three twelfths is the same as?

4- Six so six twelfths makes a half.

5- A third and third three twelfths and a fourth.

6- So a quarter how many twelfths ion a quarter?

7- Okay if they said they got four twelfths .

8- And four twelfths came to the same as?

9- This motif leaps dramatically in huge intervals – tenths and twelfths .

10- How many twelfths do we have left?

11- And two twelfths is the same as?

12- How many twelfths make a whole one?

13- How many twelfths would make a sixth?

14- We stuck three twelfths together we can make a quarter.

15- There’s the four twelfths take away one twelfth.

16- A quarter and how many twelfths in a quarter?

17- So three three twelfths that would make a quarter .

18- The students will compare fractions or mixed numbers through twelfths . 5.

19- Four so four twelfths ‘d make a third.

20- Right and how many twelfths in the quarter?

21- So how many twelfths would they get altogether?

22- Two two twelfths there and then another twelfth.

23- Four so we’d get four twelfths .

24- How many twelfths would you need to make a sixth?

25- Okay cut the first one up into twelve twelfths .

26- You’d have to cut it into twelfths .

27- How many twelfths would we get in that?

28- Now could you turn them all into twelfths ?

29- Is this specimen contemporary with the Milesian twelfths above?

30- Erm twelfths so that’d be four twelve twelfths .

31- Erm twelfths so that’d be four twelve twelfths .

32- Right so four twelfths and then you take away one twelfth.

33- Now a tricky one how many twelfths would make a third?

34- Twelve twelfths would make a whole wouldn’t it.

35- Okay how many twelfths would there be in the quarter?

36- Four okay so underneath the one third you can write four twelfths .

37- A sixth how many twelfths would we need top make a sixth?

38- We want it done two twelfths of the time.

39- So four twelfths , two sixths, one s one third.

40- Three twelfths and we know what three twelfths looks like. ISBN 2-84162-048-4 where broadcast themes were approximately matched to the current tidal cycle according to the rule of twelfths throughout the 24-hour broadcasting period.

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