trustfully in a sentence

Use ‘trustfully’ in a sentence | ‘trustfully’ example sentences

1- trustfully handle monies for payments to artists and other expenses.

2- The fraudulent code is sent to a vulnerable page that trustfully outputs it.

3- Like Joe Johnson she interfered with the process of welcoming the world trustfully and eagerly.

4- The man released his touch on her mind, and she gazed up at him trustfully .

5- She presented it trustfully to her Uncle Alan as he came in, to be mended.

6- Steadfastly refuse to wonder about the future, but trustfully rest in Him for the present moment.

7- Welland and our region must create a trustfully environment which will attract business and very important – investors.

8- Her little eyes look up at me so trustfully , and she sleeps a lot and rarely cries.

9- After all, he mentions that trustfully the deaths of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey can not be called “genocide”.

10- O gentle protectress of Christians, unfailing mediatrix before the Creator, do not despise the prayerful voices of sinners, but in your goodness hasten to assist us who trustfully cry out to you: “Inspire us to prayer, and hasten to hear our supplication.

11- The instance here is of Stavrogin pretending to the provincial governor that he has a secret to communicate to him, and, when the unsuspecting old man ‘hastily and trustfully ‘ inclines his head, seizing his ear in his teeth and holding on to it, biting hard.

12- A student should show filial piety at home and respect people outside, behave prudently and trustfully , love all universally, and draw close to sages.

13- With a small group of his friends, Catărău made a group of soldiers of the Russian Army and of some Moldavian soldiers from the ChiÅŸinău Garrison, who trustfully “elected” him “Commander of ChiÈ™inău Garrison”.

14- And she took the child by the hand and walked her to the settle, and when they were seated she looked at the small figure by her side, at the hair, like a golden halo round the oval face, and the limpid grey eyes gazing so trustfully at her.

15- And while acknowledging the insufficiency of your own attempts to receive Jesus worthily, and worthily to thank Him for this inestimable benefit, I would wish you trustfully to ask Him to dispose your heart aright, and then firmly believe and fully expect Him to do so.

16- Out of such massive amount of knowledge, the expert or researcher provides his consultancy trustfully after reaching the final conclusion that consultants usually provide.

17- Nevertheless grace allows us all to hope, and to go trustfully to meet the Judge whom we know as our “advocate”, or parakletos (cf. 1 Jn 2:1).

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