truisms in a sentence

Use ‘truisms’ in a sentence | ‘truisms’ example sentences

1- I am sorry these simple truisms should excite the hon.

2- Also suspect are revelations that merely give truisms .

3- But these empty truisms are better than the truth.

4- These are the truisms of the medium.

5- Some truisms aren’t true at all.

6- truisms are true, hold on to that!

7- That’s one of the truisms of the human condition.

8- All these patent truisms have a very strange air, when written down.

9- They’re sort of universal truisms .

10- Generally speaking, there are several truisms that allow for best gasket performance.

11- These well-worn truisms hold a certain appeal and resonate with most baseball fans.

12- One of my favorite baseball truisms is never judge a guy on a hot streak .

13- truisms , from “The Liberator” (January 8, 1831).

14- That said, blog posts citing empirical evidence can be enough for editors to establish truisms .

15- Yes, the results do reveal a number of truisms about the Janeite community.

16- Project Summary : Here are two seemingly unrelated truisms that can be said about today.

17- The truisms are wrenchingly timeless: Gazing upon one you love but can’t touch?

18- There are truths and truisms in the war critics’ and opponents’ complaints and laments.

19- IMO , many of the old truisms are now false because of such changes in traffic.

20- But that, my dear sir, is no fault of mine or of the truisms .

21- It is extremely important to reiterate to them immediately that there are two truisms about police work.

22- When applied to architectural and engineering services, however, many of these truisms just aren’t true.

23- All of this can be described literally in monosyllables, and it turns out to be truisms .

24- As true as truisms get, there is good reason we’ve been hearing this since we were kids.

25- For smaller European companies with smaller home markets, the adoption of such strategic ‘ truisms ‘ is not axiomatic.

26- He had already published one best-seller, Earth in the Balance, a popularization of already widely-known environmentalist truisms .

27- There are truisms in nature, in science, in religion, in relationships, and in principles for life.

28- Holzer’s first dance project was in 1985, “Holzer Duet … truisms ” with Bill T. Jones.

29- He argues that these truisms are continually ignored when it comes to the actions of the U.S. and her allies.

30- To work a machine you must approach it, not with phrases and truisms , but with real and detailed knowledge.

31- Like all truisms there is some truth to this, however, not all children with Aspergers learn best that way.

32- While I’m at it, there are two other old school truisms I’d like to take some shots at.

33- But, there are truisms that relate to every aspect of our life, encompassing all things of this world and beyond.

34- She printed other ” truisms ” on posters, t-shirts and stickers, then carved them in the stone of public benches.

35- It can be argued, however, that some of these revolutionary insights have ossified into dogmas or truisms within the field.

36- In the rise of these two great powers simultaneously as one of the truisms of contemporary international affairs, and which is seen as so inevitable as to be only answerable to the laws of physics, if you speak to Indians and Chinese, they both believe that the future belongs to them.

37- The simplistic truisms (clipped coinage if ever there was such) that pass for good currency today may be detected more readily for what they are by a timely recourse to the source, the reasonings of the political actors themselves.

38- Based on the two truisms that schools are a reflection of society and that modern society is becoming an increasingly global one, there is a quiet revolution taking place in education as well — a revolution of the mind.

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