trousseaux in a sentence

Use ‘trousseaux’ in a sentence | ‘trousseaux’ example sentences

1- In the following years, Charvet developed its specialization in royal trousseaux .

2- Since the girls were usually weaving linens to fill their wedding trousseaux , the weaving process was highly poeticized.

3- The fittings and furniture are salvaged from the past – old animal troughs double as bathroom basins, linens from ancient wedding trousseaux have become bedspreads, copper pots for milk and cheese-making are now waste-paper baskets, a carpenter’s bench is a table, a milking stool a chair.

4- The dolls have trousseaux that Barbie would kill for The four dolls now have trousseaux that any Barbie would kill for , but the difference is that each little item is individually made by hand.

5- The dolls have trousseaux that Barbie would kill for The four dolls now have trousseaux that any Barbie would kill for , but the difference is that each little item is individually made by hand.

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