tropical rain forests in a sentence

Use ‘tropical rain forests’ in a sentence | ‘tropical rain forests’ example sentences

1- Many tropical rain forests are in danger.

2- Most primate species live in tropical rain forests .

3- tropical rain forests help maintain global rain and weather patterns.

4- This region has both tropical rain forests and tropical seasonal dry forests.

5- Mangroves fringe the tropical rain forests along the coasts.

6- tropical rain forests have four layers.

7- Essentially yellow fever is a disease of monkeys living in tropical rain forests .

8- HABITAT Orangutans live in tropical rain forests .

9- Today the term “slash-and-burn” is mainly associated with tropical rain forests .

10- tropical rain forests have Question: What are most rain forests like?

11- Sanniquellie City is surrounded with tropical rain forests with typical fauna and flora.

12- What makes tropical rain forests Special?

13- tropical rain forests are some of the most beautiful wildernesses on our planet.

14- Tens of thousand years ago, this land was covered with lush tropical rain forests .

15- The Tabonuco forest has many of the characteristics for which tropical rain forests are noted.

16- Primary jaguar habitats include tropical rain forests and swampy grasslands of Central and South America.

17- tropical rain forests grow there year-round because of the region’s warm temperatures and plentiful rainfall.

18- Topics include Scotland’s past, tropical rain forests , offshore, paper and the airport.

19- When the craters were formed, eucalyptus forests dominated rather than the current wet tropical rain forests .

20- tropical rain forests are currently high on the list of popular destinations for nature and adventure travelers.

21- The world’s largest flower , rafflesia, grows in the tropical rain forests of Sumatra.

22- tropical rain forests , as well as tropical and temperate dry forests, are being destroyed rapidly.

23- The issue of the tropical rain forests illustrates some of the central debates of global politics today.

24- They come in all climate zones of the high-arctic tundra prior to the tropical rain forests .

25- Ants can occur anywhere in tropical rain forests from the tops of trees to the forest floor.

26- They grew tall with curving trunks, like the tree ferns that still thrive in tropical rain forests .

27- MANILAL, K.S. “Flora of Silent Valley tropical rain forests of India”.

28- This is a picture of a caterpillar that lives in the tropical rain forests of Central America.

29- Harrison, Rhett D. (2005): Figs and the diversity of tropical rain forests .

30- They are found in tropical rain forests in northern Sumatra, Indonesia and in low-lying swamps in Borneo.

31- They were now restricted to tropical rain forests where most of their food plants grew in the upper canopy.

32- The peninsula’s mountain range is covered by tropical rain forests split by deep valleys and adorned with impressive waterfalls.

33- Whitmore, T. C. (1998) “An introduction to tropical rain forests “. 2nd ed.

34- As a result, we usually feel reasonably comfortable in deserts at temperatures that are unbearable in tropical rain forests .

35- tropical rain forests are the stage for many of the world’s most complex and interesting plant and animal interactions.

36- Savannah animals differ from those of tropical rain forests , and these again from inhabitants of the tundra at high latitudes.

37- The arguments used to justify destruction of the tropical rain forests and the flow country are, at bottom, the same.

38- The drive is spectacular: gorges and tropical rain forests and waterfalls on every hand, but I thought only of Poppy.

39- Patriarchy will return because, outside of tropical rain forests and welfare slums, it’s the only social system compatible with long-term survival.

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