trodden in a sentence

Use ‘trodden’ in a sentence | ‘trodden’ example sentences

1- In leaves no step had trodden black.

2- When grapes are harvested, they are trodden under foot.

3- The world has so far trodden this wrong path.

4- Howard has trodden those values into the ground.

5- The innocent suffer and the conscientious are trodden down into conformity.

6- My son has trodden grease on to our concrete doorstep.

7- Never before had our soil been trodden by European feet!

8- Morris had no idea she had trodden the boards.

9- To lose your foothold was to be trodden down.

10- The sod went off, trodden into the ground.

11- The depressing events with nuclear energy should lead away of trodden paths.

12- She stood on a floor of trodden earth.

13- Swift as a trodden serpent turn and strike!

14- Mark trodden comes in at fly half.

15- If toes had to be trodden on, too bad.

16- Why does she see the trodden path of others?

17- Is Jerusalem still trodden down of the Gentiles?

18- Food and cigarette butts had been trodden into the precious carpet.

19- It is derived from their tremulous motion when trodden upon.

20- He and his horse were trodden down by the stampeding herd.

21- Religion never prospers while Sabbaths are trodden under foot.

22- And it was trodden upon and Satan came and taken it away.

23- The term pathological seems to be applied only to the down trodden .

24- Please, follow the trodden path and take His ONLY Way.

25- For the Guarneri, it was ground well trodden .

26- The AA road atlas by my feet is trodden and creased .

27- That part of me feels negative and trodden over, wiped out.

28- It waits for the proper man, and then it is trodden .

29- You have trodden the sands, and now your feet tread grass.

30- It had rained heavily earlier and the exhausted trodden ground seemed refreshed and cleansed.

31- And during this time he must have trodden pretty much every footpath there.

32- How many triumphant legions have trodden these pavements! how many captive kings!

33- The dust lay peacefully, except where he’d actually trodden or pawed.

34- Our salt has lost its savor, and we are trodden underfoot.

35- Then he would stand and pee copiously on the trodden earth.

36- The roof was double sloping, and the floor was made of trodden clay.

37- Lyons dropped A spark into the night, half trodden out Unseen.

38- The path of adversity is well trodden for all business owners in Caracas.

39- So do not be afraid to step away from the trodden tourist routes.

40- Italian scientists have identified humankind’s oldest footprints, which were trodden in volcanic ash in southern Italy at least 325,000 years ago by relatives of modern humans.

41- treasureThis allowed Him to extend His welfare programs to the down-trodden people irrespective of community, caste, creed or status.

42- Pérignon did not allow grapes to be trodden and favored the use of multiple presses to help minimize macerations of the juice and the skins.

43- Choirboys have trodden stages as important as the Vienna State Opera, the Vienna Volksoper, the Musikverein’s golden hall, among other greatest theaters around the world.

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