tribal sheikh in a sentence

Use ‘tribal sheikh’ in a sentence | ‘tribal sheikh’ example sentences

1- tribal sheikh Ali Ahmad al-Umrani, an ally of Saleh, resigned on this day.

2- ISF began meeting regularly with the tribal sheikhs and local governmental officials to discuss security in their areas.

3- It was like a scene from a great novel: Yemen’s most famous feminist screaming incandescently at the country’s most powerful tribal sheikh .

4- Then somebody had to fight them; thus the Petraeus surge, which consisted of suitcases full of cash for Sunni tribal sheikhs who until then were fighting the Americans.

5- Under British Mandate, Iraq’s land was moved from communal land owned by the tribe to tribal sheikhs that agreed to work with the British.

6- June 26 – Fasal al Gaood, Iraqi former governor of Al Anbar, Sunni tribal sheikh prominent in alliance against Al Qaeda, suicide bomb victim.

7- Local non-Mamluk warriors were often more loyal to their tribal sheikhs , their families, or nobles than to the sultan or caliph.

8- Tribal identity remains strong and, outside of the royal family, political influence is frequently determined by tribal affiliation, with tribal sheikhs maintaining a considerable degree of influence over local and national events.

9- Outside of the House of Al Saud, participation in the political process is limited to a relatively small segment of the population and takes the form of the royal family consulting with the ulema, tribal sheikhs and members of important commercial families on major decisions.

10- In addition, the views of important members of Saudi society, including the ulema (religious scholars), leading tribal sheikhs , and heads of prominent commercial families are considered.

11- Marrakesh became the stronghold of the Almohad tribal sheikhs and the “ahl ad-dar” (descendants of Ibn Tumart), who sought to claw power back from the ruling Almohad family.

12- We decided to sign a truce with the tribal sheikhs , other factions and even moderate elements in al-Qaida,” he said.

13- Among the tribal sheikhs and activists around Abu Saleh are former enemies and victims , men who feared him and men who hunted him on behalf of the Americans.

14- This is a new stage we are going through : first came the American occupation, then the resistance, then al-Qaida dominated us, and then came internal fighting and the awakening … now there is a truce even with the tribal sheikhs who fought and killed our cousins and brothers.

15- “At the moment, Sana’a can’t solve the sheikh corruption problem,” the Marib tribal sheikh said.

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