tribal sheik in a sentence

Use ‘tribal sheik’ in a sentence | ‘tribal sheik’ example sentences

1- In August, insurgents executed a tribal sheik who was encouraging his kinsmen to join the Iraqi police and prevented his body from being buried in accordance with Islamic laws.

2- Following the persecution of the Assyrians, which culminated in the Simele Massacre of 1932, a conscription law was introduced, which strengthened the Iraqi Army at the expense of the tribal sheiks .

3- Some tribal sheiks in Iraq still keep blacks, called “Abd”, which means servant or slave in Arabic, as slaves.

4- The imam’s position was confirmed when the imam–having gained the allegiance of the tribal sheiks –received the bay’ah (oath of allegiance) from the public.

5- As soldiers of the Division are talking to neighborhood leaders, tribal sheiks and imams, its Psychological Operations unit is printing newspapers and fliers, trying to get the message out that the 1st Cavalry has money to spend on restoring order and beauty.

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