tribal leader in a sentence

Use ‘tribal leader’ in a sentence | ‘tribal leader’ example sentences

1- They initiated land reforms that troubled tribal leaders .

2- Several tribal leaders donated money and privately held land for schools.

3- They often had a few tribal leaders whom all villages accepted.

4- That provision was of particular interest to tribal leaders .

5- The tribes are led by the tribal leaders .

6- Saul and David were both chosen by tribal leaders .

7- A conference of 168 tribal leaders was planned for November 23.

8- There were no chiefs or tribal leaders amongst them.

9- Shia and Sunni tribal leaders were also killed.

10- Traditional tribal leaders were elected as their first tribal council members.

11- They also served as forums for local tribal leaders .

12- They can inspire people to rebel against corrupt tribal leaders .

13- tribal leaders are placated with prestigious royal marriages.

14- I met tribal leaders and notables and high figures.

15- Kellogg came from a distinguished lineage of Indian tribal leaders .

16- Many other tribal leaders fell, and the remainder scattered.

17- He also set aside substantial funds to bribe informants and tribal leaders .

18- Some resisting tribal leaders have been killed and their womenfolk raped.

19- In areas of Chaoui, tribal leaders enact sanctions against criminals.

20- An assembly of Saharan tribal leaders duly acknowledged Moroccan sovereignty.

21- Following the raid, Sunni tribal leaders called for a revolt.

22- One such pattern runs: tribal leaders to chiefs to a king.

23- Among some communities, swords were restricted to royalty or tribal leaders .

24- Two-thirds were the children of Plains Indian tribal leaders .

25- In addition, some tribal leaders immediately sold communal lands for quick gains.

26- Some Southeast Native tribal leaders got together last week to discuss those concerns.

27- The majority of the Council members were Ansar or tribal leaders .

28- This treaty was signed by more tribal leaders than that of 1646.

29- tribal leaders said they’re frustrated.

30- But unlike the other tribal leaders , he was also an educator.

31- A Civil Affairs team provided the daily contact with locals and tribal leaders .

32- The tribal leaders are the same as those who helped in the census.

33- Jonathan Solomon, 74, Gwich’in tribal leader .

34- In Mosul, a car bomb kills a tribal leader and two civilians.

35- These organisation is run by selfish anti tribal leaders conspiring against the mishing national sentiment.

36- These … tribal leaders were herbalists, healers, and spiritual communicators.

37- The tribal leaders in the northeast were laboriously unhappy with the SRC recommendations.

38- tribal leaders voiced frustration that their community remains a target of kidnappings and bombings.

39- Shullsburg residents expressed their support at an open meeting with tribal leaders last year.

40- The homelands were run by cooperative tribal leaders , while uncooperative chiefs were forcibly deposed. Sadorians ;Jakoby Jakoby is the Sadorian tribal leader, mother to Bruna, and ally of Brydda Llewellyn.

41- He was hired by an Iraqi tribal leader to capture her daughter and granddaughter from Mike Franks’ home in Mexico.

42- Gabol Baoch Tribes of Baluchistan along with Domkies shifted to Sindh with Bijjar Khan as tribal leader and Jhakrani along with Darya Khan as tribal leader.

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