tribal dance in a sentence

Use ‘tribal dance’ in a sentence | ‘tribal dance’ example sentences

1- Jhargram is the golden treasury of tribal dances .

2- It was as weightless as tribal dances performed for tourists.

3- Some of these tribal dances are at the verge of extinction.

4- The !Kung medicine men effect a cure by performing a tribal dance .

5- Is not a tribal dance an artwork, yet the collaboration of a community?

6- Soowa or Suwa tribal dance in Chhattisgarh is also known as Parrot Dance.

7- Ache Lhamo is sort of a tribal dance traditionally said to have originated in Tibet.

8- This is a week-long agro-industrial trade, tourism and cultural fair with tribal dances and songs.

9- In Germany, ” tribal dance ” was certified Gold for sales of over 250,000 units.

10- The Karma tribal dance marks the end of the rainy season and the advent of spring season.

11- At the end of your day Masai Marans perform their traditional tribal dances for your entertainment.

12- Recognition takes place through private family gatherings, or through such public ceremonies as tribal dances or intertribal ceremonies.

13- tribal dances of the Nagas give an insight into the inborn Naga reticence of the people.

14- The girls then view an African tribal dance in which Kate Lawler is carried in at the end.

15- Kids loved it very much…:-)) We’re enjoy our single life… tribal dance performance in Bangkok.

16- Also rodeos, carnivals, ballets, Indian tribal dances , Punch and Judy, a one-man band–all Theater.

17- To overcome the fear caused by a storm that starts up they begin a tribal dance and work themselves into a frenzy.

18- Did enjoy the tribal dance and since I am interested in aboriginal communities I did not miss any opportunities to talk to the people of the area.

19- The tunes were in a slow waltz time but played with that characteristic thump which accentuates the first beat of the bar so strongly as to obliterate everything else, reducing any melodic line to a tribal dance .

20- Jomo Xulu, director of the dance company, said the group performs African tribal dances and songs not only to educate students on African history, but also to try to bring many cultures together as one.

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