tribal culture in a sentence

Use ‘tribal culture’ in a sentence | ‘tribal culture’ example sentences

1- But other expressions exist even in illiterate tribal cultures .

2- Besides, district is known for its rich tribal culture .

3- The detail and the commitment to tribal culture are quite amazing.

4- Revenge plays a central part in the Arab tribal culture .

5- It also showcases the inimitable tribal culture .

6- He respected tribal cultures and values.

7- An art of such continuity clearly exposes the spirit of such tribal cultures .

8- A collection of knit indian caps and headbands from various tribal cultures .

9- In certain tribal cultures , people invest the shaman or healer with religious authority.

10- NAGALAND , with its diverse tribal culture , is a land of festivals.

11- Situated amidst the Aravali valley, Banswara represents tribal culture in Rajasthan.

12- The Choctaw language is the essence of tribal culture , tradition, and identity.

13- B uses the examples of tribal cultures as the basis for this new society.

14- The act recognizes that Indian children who are separated from their tribal culture usually experience problems.

15- The country Brazil and it’s tribal cultures is featured in Emily’s musical compositions.

16- It showcases the tribal culture of various regions and various examples of tribal art and architecture.

17- A common theme in the books is the presence of sympathetically presented feudal and tribal cultures .

18- Paraja, Permanji: This is a private initiated festivals on tribal culture and life.

19- The latter are a barbaric, nomadic, tribal culture with many parallels to American Indians.

20- The mixture of Aryan and tribal culture makes Kalahandi region rich in its culture and festivals.

21- Boarding schools like Carlisle provided vocational and manual training and sought to systematically strip away tribal culture .

22- The lingerie brand has been receiving a lot of heat and criticism for their ignorance towards tribal culture .

23- The Act is focused on maintaining the connection of the child to the tribal culture and community.

24- Academics debate whether tribal cultures , such as the Mongolian nomadic steppe culture, are feudal in nature.

25- In some tribal cultures the “equivalent for our ‘kiss me’ is ‘smell me.

26- For over 25 years Phil Borges has lived with and documented indigenous and tribal cultures around the world.

27- This type of travel fed Mason’s interest in primitive arts, bird watching, and tribal cultures .

28- Additionally, Native American gaming can be viewed as a means to rejuvenate and preserve tribal culture .

29- Visit the Warm Springs, Umatilla or Yakama Indian reservations to experience tribal culture and heritage.

30- They are home to tribal cultures that have survived successfully in the forests for many thousands of years.

31- Kolkata: Centre for Folklore and tribal culture , Govt. of West Bengal.

32- To make paganism attractive in today’s self-focused atmosphere, its promoters idealize tribal cultures and pagan religions.

33- As tribal culture specialized specific castes, Shamans and apothecaries performed the ‘niche occupation’ of healing.

34- Some books perceived as critical of the government, Islam, and Emirati and tribal culture were banned.

35- As is common among most indigenous tribal cultures , folklores and folktales represent an important part of African culture.

36- Stories of UFOs and alien beings make up a big part of African tribal culture , he says.

37- The consciousness of the tribal cultures was intimately related to the cosmos and to the fertility cycles of nature.

38- The territory of the Southern and Northern Azerbaijan saw different states, religions and tribal cultures coming and going.

39- Many tribal cultures balance individual ownership with the laws of collective groups: tribes, families, associations and nations.

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