trestle table in a sentence

Use ‘trestle table’ in a sentence | ‘trestle table’ example sentences

1- There were more trestle tables and more corpses than before.

2- There were also complaints about the rough wooden trestle tables .

3- No, that’s a trestle table .

4- But have a look at this little trestle table .

5- There were lines of double-banked trestle tables with bodies lying on top.

6- trestle tables in solid American cherrywood are masterpieces of elegance and practicality.

7- There were ranks of trestle tables .

8- trestle tables of either laminate or glass are far more suitable than wood.

9- They had the paintings leaning up against the trestle table and a chair.

10- trestle tables had been arranged in a square and covered with white lawn sheets.

11- The gifts, set out on trestle tables , are not exotic or expensive.

12- trestle tables were laid out with plates of ham, prawns and tidbits.

13- Each diner sits at the communal trestle tables lining the Parterre avenue and gardens.

14- Down the hall on each side were long trestle tables covered in the costliest silk.

15- I tell you what make i trestle tables are so expensive aren’t they?

16- Carpenter Mike Riley built a custom trestle table to fit better in the small space.

17- This was set out on the long trestle table so we helped ourselves to our ration.

18- The top half of the square had been turned into a huge outdoor café with trestle tables .

19- The Marmite and plum jam sandwiches were already curling on the trestle table under the walnut tree.

20- A large, bare room with big trestle tables in the centre and benches along the walls.

21- I take the candles off the altar and place them on a row of trestle tables .

22- Alistair Bruce was sure the trestle tables would present the members of the Bar with no problems.

23- Motorists queued yesterday outside the plant to buy bargain £4 bottles from the display on trestle tables .

24- Annoyance flickers across his face as I pass along the long trestle tables finding nothing to my satisfaction.

25- We set up trestle tables on the front lawns and invited people to tour the house and gardens.

26- trestle tables and grey blankets, in-trays, out-trays, maps on the wall and scrubbed chairs.

27- Epitot, conferring with other officers of staff at a trestle table nearby, turned and noticed him.

28- Jarvis had set up a trestle table on that terrace where pupils had once assembled for the annual school photograph.

29- In front of the hut, several mothers were setting a trestle table with crockery and unwrapping polite little sandwiches.

30- Once everyone was changed, the ladies would provide tea amongst the now somewhat soggy straw, on trestle tables .

31- There was a soldier behind a desk which was really only a trestle table with a grey blanket on it.

32- These Lords sat on the dais at the ‘high table’ and their commoner servants at lower trestle tables .

33- The state rooms were divided up into offices for the national security service and filled with filing cabinets and trestle tables .

34- Now I think they have sep little tables now but in those days they were long, just long trestle tables .

35- Banks of elevated seats were being constructed, and a speaking platform, and rows of trestle tables occupied one full quarter.

36- Behind the familiar trestle table with its grey army blanket, sat the commanding officer flanked by two others of lesser rank.

37- It was fairly sparsely furnished, with a long oak trestle table , a few hard-backed chairs, and a large sideboard.

38- In the centre would be several lines of trestle tables carrying cages for chicken, ducks and geese with a few tame rabbits.

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