Use ‘tree decoration ‘ in a sentence | ‘tree decoration ‘ example sentences
1- I hear nuclear warheads make great Christmas tree decorations , boys.
2- The practice of tree decoration has been found in many ancient cultures.
3- Next to the till was a box of chocolate Christmas tree decorations .
4- Because I’m not going to buy any more tree decorations this year.
5- THIS can be cut into small festive shapes and used for Christmas tree decorations .
6- So they’re the first up with the Christmas tree decorations each year.
7- However in Germany, Spider Webs are a part of Christmas tree decorations .
8- I really love this homemade linen pinboard with a Christmas tree decoration for each day.
9- Got some neat stuff: The ASTP crew as Xmas tree decoration , handmade.
10- Christmas was certainly on some stall holders minds with jolly bunting, tree decorations and lots more.
11- There, nestling on a further bed of tissue-paper, were five glass Christmas tree decorations .
12- It was the first time that Christmas tree decorations (not just lights) were placed on the tree.
13- Visually stimulating objects, such as Christmas tree decorations and toys with sound effects are recommended for pre-school and playgroup activities.
14- Christmas was a time of year when my mother and I would make tree decorations from silver paper, nuts and some cookies.
15- Every year since childhood my mother had given me a special gift at Christmas, a new and unique tree decoration that symbolized my life for that year, as well as her love for me.
16- Instead, eight colored floodlights at the base of the tree were used to illuminate the National Christmas Tree’s decorations and its 36 in high gold snowflake tree-topper (although the snowflake itself was lit from within).
17- In Hungary, celebrations begin with Christmas tree decoration and gift packaging during daytime on 24 December, then comes a family dinner with traditional Christmas meals.
18- Popcorn, threaded onto a string, is used as a wall or Christmas tree decoration in some parts of North America, as well as on the Balkan peninsula.
19- They also decorate their entrances with kagami mochi (two mochi rice balls placed one on top of the other, with a tangerine on top), and kadomatsu (pine tree decorations ).
20- We had so much fun seeing how each other ‘s styles translated into tree decoration that we decided to apply the same concept to another holiday: Easter!
21- Windsor is closely associated with the tradition of the Christmas tree, and Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, is credited with popularising tree decorations .
22- On a lighter note police radios have picked up a Christmas tree decoration’s rendition of Jingle Bells, and their portable radios have operated the police car locking systems.
23- Historically it is thought that they first appeared in Germany made of sugar and used as Christmas tree decorations , an early lollypop, so to speak.
24- This Christmas cracker is fun and easy to make and will look great as a Christmas tree decoration or as a gift for a friend.
25- ‘Have you got any old Christmas tree decorations , antique ones, by any chance?’
26- Apart from being the perfect place to buy charming Christmas presents and traditional tree decorations , the market fulfills all the Christmas nostalgia with its old-fashioned games, gifts and food and its communal />br />
27- Whether it’s the tree decorations , house decorations, gift wrap, fine china, silverware or fake trees, the holidays come with a lot of baggage.
28- To make a christmas tree decoration out of Cambot, drill a tiny hole in the top and put a little tiny screw eye hole in it. (The same thing used for Servo’s mouth control line.)
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