transparencies in a sentence

Use ‘transparencies’ in a sentence | ‘transparencies’ example sentences

1- transparencies were displayed upon every hotel and many private dwellings.

2- These dense compilations of marks create overlaps and transparencies .

3- All transparencies are made from the original biopsy slides.

4- The light is admitted through transparencies painted by MR.

5- Kodak introduced color film and transparencies in 1935.

6- They were like tiny theatres contained on these delicate transparencies .

7- Scans of the original transparencies are generally much more evenly lit.

8- Commercially produced transparencies are now more widely available.

9- Photographs or transparencies exist of some 2,000 works.

10- transparencies . The slide form of a photograph.

11- transparencies are viewable with a standard overhead projector.

12- Create transparencies or handouts of each group’s choreography notes.

13- His archive contains nearly 9,000 35mm transparencies taken between 1955 and 1975.

14- Would a series of transparencies be better than overcrowding one frame?

15- I have returned 10 more of your transparencies with this letter.

16- The first was the advent of making duplicate transparencies and catalog marketing.

17- Ø Input: Show plant and animal cell transparencies .

18- We have 4-by-5 13 transparencies .

19- Each team should then present its findings using flip charts or overhead transparencies .

20- Much of this work was achieved by using overlays of transparencies .

21- Got leather binding and colour transparencies !

22- All transparencies for the lecture on phylogenetic reconstruction are in your course material.

23- Different transparencies of watermark, various sizes etc can be managed very easily.

24- The transparencies were delivered together with a copy of the plaintiffs’ standard terms.

25- It existed also in form of transparencies – actually movies – one can project.

26- I had all the transparencies scanned on a drum scanner at a separation house.

27- It is important to have paper or transparencies between the filings and the magnets.

28- According to Giles’ overhead transparencies , they can appear in any town.

29- The large hat store near Fulton street was covered with transparencies , and its neighbor.

30- This figure has been formed by overlaying two transparencies with identical linear grids of dots.

31- Colour prints from transparencies after April 1991 up to 20′ x 16′.

32- Her colour transparencies of the Grand Canyon were particularly well received by the gathering.

33- Anco likes making 3 -dimensional quilts with transparencies and lots of layering and textures.

34- A further innovation was the fixing of transparencies on gas lamp glasses to denote stopping places.

35- X 4 in. or 5 in. x 3 in. transparencies ).

36- Then followed a wagon with two transparencies each twenty feet long by six feet in height.

37- In America, new moulding techniques had been developed to form streamlined nose transparencies for bombers.

38- Slide show Presentation originally based on projecting images from transparencies but now done on a computer.

39- Reproduction is permitted only from negatives, prints, or transparencies supplied by The Hermitage.

40- Light Box or Light Table : A tool for viewing transparencies or for tracing images. Use the manual feed on the printer for printing envelopes or transparencies.

41- Uses for transparencies Uses for transparencies are as varied as the organizations that use them.

42- The color illustrations have obviously had considerable hand-work done by the engravers and may have been entirely hand-colored using the original transparencies as a guide.

43- “transparencies 2007” is a two-image work of art where Ashley displays the ability to use contrast to convey meaning.

44- The engine allowed for transparencies, walls at 45 degree angles, multiple tile heights and inclined surfaces, and other aspects.

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