transnationals in a sentence

Use ‘transnationals’ in a sentence | ‘transnationals’ example sentences

1- Limits to logging in developed countries have led timber transnationals overseas.

2- The WTO is exceptionally good news for transnationals .

3- One would also expect a difference in attitudes between general managers of state corporations and those of transnationals .

4- PAPERBACK – A major study applying Marxist economic theory to the workings of the U.S. economy and the transnationals .

5- Under pressure from public opinion, some of these transnationals have disowned the technology or promised not to commercialise it.

6- Old-style movements for workers’ control are no longer feasible in a world of transnationals and global production and semi-skilled labour.

7- This phenomenon could be beyond the control of governments, and the inappropriate use of genes by the transnationals could cause severe problems of biosafety by promoting the use of large homogeneous populations susceptible to pathogens.

8- What NAFTA, GATT, Davos and the WRO have always been about is freeing up transnationals to get rid of First World workers, while assuring them they could hold on, at no cost, to their First World customers.

9- Martian colonization is pushed forward by a twenty-first-century version of trading companies called transnationals and by the pressure of growing population, exacerbated by the discovery (initially among the Martian colonists) of a technique to extend the human life span.

10- The Latin American economy is characterised by a large number of very small firms and yet some workers are employed by large transnationals using the most modern technology and employing thousands of workers.

11- The only time they had the opportunity was, almost by default, during import substitution, but Latin Americans were soon overshadowed by the transnationals .

12- Capitalist industrialisation in the periphery, often because of transnationals which can import sophisticated technology, has not been able fully to absorb all the labour available.

13- A decade ago things looked dire for Australian poetry due to the takeovers of publishing houses by transnationals like Bertelsmann and Murdoch and the subsequent dropping of poetry (and most books of what used to be called ‘works of literary worth’) from the commercial publishers’ lists.

14- Bioinformatics will be reduced to just another service, probably done offshore by transnationals who will charge a s mall ‘on demand’ fee for the requests made by service consumers.

15- We want to alert our governments to the danger that the monopolization of knowledge by a few transnationals threatens the future of humanity.

16- Other black anglophone contingents arrived in Honduras with the arrival of black workers from Jamaica and other English-speaking islands arrived to work for the banana transnationals .

17- The said organizations also gave support to Bolivia for not having given up to transnationals the negotiation on strategic topics such as the national control over foreign investments and other issues.

18- Denounce and PUT AN END to war, which only brings profits for empires, transnationals , and a few families, but not for peoples.

19- Over half of those emissions driven by demand from the West are from transnationals taking advantage of China’s developmental policies favouring heavy manufacturing over regions with more developed environmental laws and enforcement.

20- Correa announced on 3 April 2010 that he would propose to UNASUR the creation of a united front against transnationals like the US company Chevron, which he accused of attempting to destroy his country.

21- Chernyshevski is in love with Bogdanov and is devastated when he is killed in an attack by anti-revolutionary forces associated with UNOMA, the transnationals and Phyllis Boyle during the first Martian revolution.

22- The larger transnationals commonly train key staff at headquarters (usually US and European) and for some, a job in the factory of such a parent is the first step in a global career.

23- The transnationals Information Exchange (TIE), for one, is a particularly active global network which has developed counter-strategies to combat the overwhelming resources that the TNCs can muster when they are attacked.

24- The internationalization and concentration of capital would not be material to the control and regulation of corporate crime if transnationals were well behaved.

25- National corporations have become transnational corporations, and the concentration at the top of major world industries has become even more concentrated in the hands of transnationals .

26- To grant these rights and judicial privileges to corporations (and other organizations) is simply to give them additional resources for a judicial battle in which many, particularly the transnationals , are already more than a fair match for national state regulatory agencies.

27- Since we lost representative democracy to the transnationals and their lobbyists , at both federal and state levels, the decline into this state has been obvious.

28- We export not only form and content but western economics-based theories of media regulation that serve the interests of transnationals rather than those of peoples.

29- There are imperialistic predatory wars imposed as a political doctrine and the attempt of wealth distribution in the Third World for the benefit of a handful of First World countries and transnationals .

30- If a lack of alternatives is the problem then a more open economy that allows more transnationals to enter the country should be the policy you advocate because that will give the Vietnamese workers more options.

31- Policies of production and export subsidies in the developed countries allow the transnationals to acquire products at very low prices and sell them at much higher prices to consumers in both the South and the North.

32- Because, let’s face it, if we’re all one economy it isn’t a level playing field if one country is inviting in erm companies er You know, transnationals , the lot, on the promise it’s cheaper to get our workers to work for you, you don’t have to pay out for this.

33- Slowly, starting in the early 1970s, it dawned on the executives of these transnationals that the gospel of “free trade” — if widely accepted — could give them relief from the main factors that were causing their profits to stagnate.

34- But, it is the violence of the marketing practices of Philip Morris and all the other tobacco transnationals that have taken far more innocent lives than all of the death from political violence over the last 50 years.”

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