transit lounge in a sentence

Use ‘transit lounge’ in a sentence | ‘transit lounge’ example sentences

1- Pilgrims also depart from the transit lounge .

2- A transit lounge in Heathrow is a dangerous place to be .

3- Well then: a transit lounge .

4- He was not allowed into the transit lounge or anywhere else on Dutch soil.

5- In the transit lounge at Vienna Airport, Professor Kubik bought a German paperback.

6- Passenger Handling Services Check-in and assist the traveling public and transiting passengers at the transit lounge .

7- Her collection of short stories Small Indiscretions ( transit lounge , 2011) was highly praised.

8- The only reason Im still here is that I was given another boarding pass as I went through the transit lounge , which took me from the back of the plane to the front of second class out of the range of the blast.

9- Her non-fiction writing includes a memoir, Sing, and Don’t Cry: a Mexican Journal ( transit lounge Press, 2005), about her experiences working with Australian Volunteers International in Mexico.

10- In this surrogate homeland, which the insomniac saint thinks of as his waiting-room or transit lounge , the central heating is at full blast night and day, and the windows are tightly shut.

11- The last song recorded for the album, ” transit lounge “, is written about time spent in various transit lounges around the world, particularly Singapore and Bangkok.

12- The last song recorded for the album, “transit lounge“, is written about time spent in various transit lounges around the world, particularly Singapore and Bangkok.

13- In this performance, there were eight new songs featured, beginning with Finn’s co-written piece with the Dixie Chicks “Silent House” and also included “Pour le monde” (“For the world”), ” transit lounge “, “She Called Up” and “Don’t Stop Now”.

14- In the initial phase, various session musicians filled parts, such as studio musician Joey Waronker on drums and British soul singer Beth Rowley provided backup vocals for the song ” transit lounge .

15- The period has recently been bestowed the nickname the ” transit lounge ” amongst fans due to the club’s persistence to purchase established players often past their peak at an incredible price.

16- Typically pilgrims arrive at the Accueil Notre Dame in buses from Lourdes airport or train station, and will be welcomed in the transit lounge on the 5th floor.

17- The Accueil is organised into two wings, each consisting of six storeys, with the Reception area on the ground floor and the transit lounge on the fifth.

18- Between 1984 and 1995, the Roosters reached the semi-finals once, and became known to critics as the ” transit lounge “, due to the high frequency of player purchases and releases.

19- Expansion of the Airport Restaurant and transit lounge including the refurbishing of the upper level and the provision of a new kitchen was completed in December 1978.

20- Stranded at Kennedy Airport with a passport from nowhere, he is unauthorized to actually enter the United States and must improvise his days and nights in the terminal’s international transit lounge , until the war at home is over.

21- transit lounges with lockers, bathrooms, and showers are available for the use of guests on the day of arrival and departure.

22- He said: ‘Everybody was transferred into the transit lounge and it was then passengers noticed some of them were actually missing.

23- The Hollywood star who was on a stop-over in Shannon Airport with his wife and children spent his time in the transit lounge watching the Limerick minor hurlers battle it out with Galway , on the tv screen.

24- You can even redeem your ‘ cash’ for entry to the Ambassador transit lounge at Terminals 2 and 3 for a quick shower or a bite to eat in between flights.

25- He has had continuous Internet access and has talked to his attorneys and to journalists daily, from his first day in the transit lounge at Sheremetyevo airport.

26- transit lounge with large screen TVs

27- The ” transit lounge ” era

28- disturb sign, but in the end they agreed that the world was real, what was possible was possible and what was impossible was im–, brief encounter, ships that pass, love in a transit lounge .

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