transceivers in a sentence

Use ‘transceivers’ in a sentence | ‘transceivers’ example sentences

1- Test transceivers at 110% of rated distance.

2- Radar is radio technology, and smartphones do contain radio transceivers .

3- The completed system will consist of 794 ground station transceivers .

4- The design provides a common supply for all the transceivers .

5- Explain the differences between handheld transceivers and home “base” transceivers.

6- Explain the differences between handheld transceivers and home “base” transceivers .

7- These portable transceivers looked distinctly different from other Heathkit gear.

8- The digital modulation method is analogous to those used in simple radio transceivers .

9- transceivers may also be defeated by jamming or Faraday cage.

10- Explain the uses of mobile amateur radio transceivers and amateur radio repeaters.

11- Most modern amateur radio SSB transceivers have speech compressors built in.

12- The transceivers are in different kinds of packages (Figure 1).

13- Complete transceivers have been commercialized in the form of active optical cables.

14- TD-CDMA is used to multiplex streams from or to multiple transceivers .

15- Some dual-band amateur transceivers are capable of cross-band repeat.

16- This low-level method for AM is used in many Amateur Radio transceivers .

17- Skiers are urged to wear avalanche transceivers and be prepared for self-rescue.

18- The German VMS is based on Inmarsat-C transceivers .

19- Such relays are often used in transceivers which combine transmitter and receiver in one unit.

20- FRS (Family Radio Service) transceivers are inexpensive but have limited range.

21- Class B transponders are smaller, simpler and lower cost than Class A transceivers .

22- Also, I got 10 wireless 2.1 GHz transceivers I have been playing with.

23- If we use the bi-directional transceivers , how does one do correct termination?

24- Like the KMA24-71, the PAC24 can accommodate 5 transceivers .

25- I would like to have the option of selecting two kinds of optical transceivers .

26- LST 325’s radio room also carries modern marine and amateur radio transceivers for routine communications.

27- The all push-button control for the transceivers adds flexibility to the product while reducing complexity.

28- The UHF transceiver used a discone, while the VHF transceivers used ground plane antennas.

29- It possessed 172 radio transceivers , almost all with a range of 30 mi or less.

30- They can be monitored by shortwave receivers of good quality or by amateur radio transceivers .

31- The output capacitance of multiple transceivers can load down a bus, substantially slowing its propagation delay.

32- USB can cause ground loop problems between equipment, because it connects ground references on both transceivers .

33- Altera FPGAs include high-speed transceivers integrated with reconfigurable signal processing circuitry which enables cost-effective system designs.

34- If they ‘re in range of other transceivers , their position can be determined more exactly.

35- Denmark has a nation-wide VMS based on Inmarsat-C transceivers owned and maintained by the authorities.

36- Hand-held transceivers may be used to communicate between each other, or to vehicle-mounted or base stations.

37- Most models (and all new models) have Bluetooth transceivers that allow connection to a smartphone.

38- The spacecraft used S-band for uplinked commands and downlinked telemetry, through dual redundant 5-watt transceivers .

39- For communication, the crew used small transceivers to communicate with each other when away from the ship.

40- Atmel AT 86RF233 transceivers , introduced in April 2012, are available in mass production today. Webster said the climbers were not wearing avalanche transceivers at the time of the accident.

41- Random handsets can be used with random transceivers, but some mismatches may result in unusable functions.

42- All you need is a pair of transceivers, antenna and a source of energy (e.g. battery or electric grid).

43- Q-MAC’s HF transceivers were first used by the Western Australia Fire and Emergency Services to provide emergency communications in disaster relief applications.

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