trampling in a sentence

Use ‘trampling’ in a sentence | ‘trampling’ example sentences

1- trampling over small huts while massive factories appear.

2- These plants are intolerant to stock trampling .

3- Also shown is a divine person trampling an evil spirit.

4- The monument is trying to prevent trampling of vegetation.

5- One hour later we were trampling the top.

6- trampling , possibly ritual dancing, caused the uneven surface.

7- The perpetual trampling of the waters seized my senses.

8- Protected wildlife has entered agricultural areas, trampling crops and killing livestock.

9- It’s getting there without trampling on too many people.

10- When gardening , try to avoid trampling on the soil.

11- A troll captures a dwarf by trampling over it.

12- In addition, the grazing and trampling near waterways influences aquatic fauna.

13- The royal standard fell in the trampling rush and was left behind.

14- Stay on established trails and avoid trampling the crypto soil.

15- According to most accounts, the caliph was killed by trampling .

16- trampling on human rights we’ve had since the 1400’s.

17- Occasionally, trampling takes the place of plowing altogether.

18- He is trampling the figure of a bound, richly dressed captive.

19- Horse trampling also has the potential to damage waterways and bog habitats.

20- Previously, Ultra issued two statements following Mack’s trampling .

21- Even severe gullying can be healed by managed grazing and trampling .

22- Bites and other trauma from penetration or trampling may occur.

23- However, grazing animals can cause damage to fragile wet areas by trampling .

24- It is usually considered to be susceptible to trampling but survives light burning.

25- So , who is trampling on the rights of an individual here?

26- He came in and trampling this brake fluid all over the carpet.

27- In addition, the soil becomes compacted by the trampling of livestock.

28- The rebel army was slaughtered, with the elephants trampling most to death.

29- The sight of men trampling women appalled him; the din was maddening.

30- Generally stay on boulders and wash bottoms to minimize trampling the crypto soil.

31- Think it?s just judges who are trampling on the Constitution?

32- If she fell at a fence he could not avoid trampling her.

33- You’ll have the place full of soldiers, trampling the young trees.

34- They divorced after he strangled her dog for trampling on his tulips.

35- Critics accuse Kagame of being authoritarian and trampling on media and political freedoms .

36- As for haves trampling have-nots, Marxism does exactly the same thing.

37- There was a sound of trampling boots below, inside the house and outside.

38- At least till the Council of Counts gets done trampling about in it.

39- Heck , they’d probably end up trampling and flattening the ball instead.

40- She also recently published Victorious trampling at Sts. Hippopotamuses have killed more people in Africa than all the lions, elephants, and water buffalo combined, usually by trampling.

41- His opponents accuse him of trampling on human rights and reducing press freedom.

42- This parkland which does suffer litter, trampling of wildlife and other damage associated with tourism including the clearance of parkland to create ski resorts.

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