tramp across in a sentence

Use ‘tramp across’ in a sentence | ‘tramp across’ example sentences

1- Gudmund tramped across the open grass-plot and up to the cabin.

2- At one point three white Hounds tramped across the street not twenty paces distant .

3- Those invigorating tramps across the springy heather merely whetted my appetite for more.

4- Would millions of people tramp across the hills to look at a twentieth century Broadway Tower?

5- Bruce Lee, his minder, a man called Alex and about 15 dogs tramp across Bucharest.

6- The grass is always greener when 700 people haven’t tramped across your lawn, reflects Alan Titchmarsh.

7- I tramped across the violets to take a look and found the last thing I expected – frogspawn.

8- Land access to the harbour is only possible by tramping across a sandy beach, then jumping over rock-pools.

9- The small groups who tramped across the Cairngorms with him enjoyed his wit, admired his ability and trusted his leadership.

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