touch-and-go in a sentence

Use ‘touch-and-go’ in a sentence | ‘touch-and-go’ example sentences

1- Its pilots had used the lengthy runway to practice touch-and-go landings.

2- Much of his childhood was likewise touch-and-go .

3- Is it going to be a superficial touch-and-go affair?

4- Even so, it was touch-and-go during the first few years.

5- As we recently stated, it was touch-and-go for a while.

6- The Navy suspended touch-and-go operations at OLF in June.

7- Because, in those touch-and-go hours, Rudy wasn’t doing well.

8- The Navy has announced plans to resume touch-and-gos at OLF in January.

9- Elevators were a little bit touch-and-go (all 4 weren’t always working).

10- touch-and-go landing exercises were also common on US Navy carriers during Gringo-Gaucho manoeuvres and joint exercises.

11- As they attempted a touch-and-go , the wheels became stuck and they had to wait for rescue.

12- It was really touch-and-go at one point whether he’d survive or not because he was totally depleted.

13- Finally, reliability, for which YouTube has been touch-and-go lately, will be determined after more usage.

14- After a ‘ touch-and-go landing’ on Runway 34, it came around for a full stop landing.

15- By April next year , every Mastercard will have PayPass, its version of the touch-and-go technology.

16- After a touch-and-go battle with Carolina in Week 2, the Packers came out on top 30-23.

17- The largest group of vocal opponents to the Navy’s touch-and-go operations at OLF reside in the Coupeville area.

18- After a touch-and-go I was handed control at 200 knots in a typically military 75-degree banked turn onto downwind.

19- In 1999, Carrie Genzel was in talks to replace Tom, who was experiencing ” touch-and-go ” contract negotiations.

20- Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment.

21- The battle by 9,000 men to defend the Island, although touch-and-go , and decisive, only lasted about half an hour.

22- Things are touch-and-go .

23- I think I’ll be back in Atlanta tomorrow night though this is a touch-and-go situation and nobody knows exactly what comes next.

24- Johnson has been a cheerleader for the Navy and moments later, at the July 12 meeting, voted with the other two commissioners to pass a resolution supporting the touch-and-go jet operations at OLF Coupeville.

25- One downside is that I have to try to time things properly, and when you have to use the same saucepan to make the rice and steam the broccoli, it can be a little touch-and-go there at the end.

26- By 1980 we had made some land purchases and were $1 million in debt, and it was touch-and-go as to whether we would get an operating loan.

27- It was touch-and-go whether it would manage to get its heavy load of rails and sleepers to the top of the incline or not, and I became so interested in the contest between steam and friction and gravity, that I did not notice that a visitor had approached and was standing quietly beside me.

28- Yet so much was the situation a matter of touch-and-go that at the last minute Badoglio sent word that he felt both parties had been too hasty and that announcement must be further delayed.

29- In the ER, Olivia and Bryce tended to the boy’s injuries, and despite some touch-and-go moments, they were able to stabilize him.

30- The “Cleared for the Option” procedure will permit an instructor, flight examiner or pilot the option to make a touch-and-go , low approach, missed approach, stop-and-go, or full stop landing.

31- Instead of landing or making a touch-and-go , a pilot may wish to go around (low approach) in order to expedite a particular operation (a series of practice instrument approaches is an example of such an operation).

32- Hawaii (which achieved statehood in 1959) contracted with the U.S. Navy to allow touch-and-go landings until 1972, when the airfield was opened to students making their first solo flights.

33- We just got sent zombies towards us and we had to improvise stabbing, so it was a bit touch-and-go from time to time.

34- On 4 November 2012, the People’s Liberation Army website () reported that J-15s had performed carrier touch-and-go training.

35- After two reincarnations and almost 70 years of flight operations, the only military flights in and out of Hondo Municipal Airport are some touch-and-go training flights in the T-6A Texan IIs flying out of Randolph AFB just northeast of San Antonio.

36- Upon preparing to execute the touch-and-go on Runway 23 at the end of the practice profile, the aircraft was instructed to go around because a KC-135 aircraft had just landed and was on the runway.

37- The mission plan for the flight called for a demanding series of low-altitude passes, 60° banked turns, a steep climb, and a touch-and-go landing on Fairchild’s runway 23.

38- The 12 FTW also operates an additional airfield for practice approaches and touch-and-go landings approximately 12 miles east-northeast of Randolph in Seguin, Texas. She added that earnings “have been a little bit of a touch-and-go situation.”

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