topicality in a sentence

Use ‘topicality’ in a sentence | ‘topicality’ example sentences

1- Prices are enjoying considerable topicality in the champagne world.

2- She added topicality , photography, color.

3- It is a novel of unique topicality and great power.

4- Ruth Richardson’s two historical pieces avoid the tyranny of topicality .

5- It was explained to the cast as an “exercise in topicality .

6- A recurring riff about the Olympics feels like tacked-on topicality .

7- Neglected plays are delighting new audiences with their surprising topicality .

8- The formation Ukrainian language environment has gained topicality in the Kiev Polytechnic Institute.

9- We are looking for contributors to keep the site updated with the latest topicalities .

10- On sticking to the chair Riding the topicality bandwagon in style is Fevicol.

11- Unevenness is also apparent in the topicality of Linton’s anthological exercise.

12- Inevitably then, to us today its topicality can appear muted and off-balance.

13- But even without such overt topicality , there was an ideological edge to his work.

14- topicality can be important here.

15- This is a moderated blog and comments and postings will be reviewed for relevance and topicality .

16- The topicality of the events presents research with a particular scientific challenge, according to Thielmann.

17- Its mention of dioceses for Nevaketh and the Islands of the Sea have a convincing topicality .

18- The topicality of Niall Ferguson’s books possesses an uncanny – bordering on conspiratorial prescience – quality.

19- However, we do not accept any responsibility for accuracy, completeness or topicality of the contents.

20- Podcasts are chosen for this section based on the high quality of their content, presentation and topicality .

21- Its service of topicality is just sufficient to get information, to be expressed and support other causes.

22- We wanted the excitement of performing the show in real-time, with no second takes, and up-to-the-last-minute topicality .

23- It is postmodernist in its ability to play with the entire field of literary traditions without ever sacrificing its topicality .

24- Typically, Policymakers vote heavily on disadvantages and counter-plans , and may not vote on kritiks or topicality arguments.

25- Then the collapse of Rover provided some of its topicality , now Detroit is threatening to do the same.

26- Fellay: In rereading some viewpoints, sermons, conferences of Monseigneur, one is struck by their topicality .

27- According to Mathijs, critical reception is important to a film’s perception as cult, through topicality and controversy.

28- Since the redesign of May 2004, the game boards with enforced topicality have been shared with the GameSpot community.

29- They have also included a selection of programmes exploring issues of import and topicality in-depth, akin to BBC Four.

30- The series has topicality (guesting this week: Ginette Reno following her Canadiens’ anthem triumph) and informality.

31- A pretty good action thriller that manages to blend third world topicality with the shady world of arms dealing and financing.

32- As far as Google is concerned, it’s all about the balance between ” topicality ” and “authority”.

33- It is thanks to its service of topicality on line that my voice was made understand by various trade-union organizations abroad.

34- The topicality of the plays had unique consequences for both the writing and the production of the plays in ancient Athens.

35- Indeed, so thoroughly did the Stuart cause fail that readers of “Oroonoko” may miss the topicality of the novel.

36- Today’s topicality makes them worthy of study, but we must bear in mind that the flaws found within this sector are in no way unique to the mutual funds industry.

37- Regardless, Lang’s mixing his cliff-hanging mechanisms with the eroding tenure of European colonialism in Asia is an intriguing bit of topicality that was certainly current to the film’s era.

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