took in a sentence

took meaning:

Past Tense of Take (to cause to be in one’s hands; grasp;to obtain possession;to transport;to fill; occupy)

took sentence:

He took us to the zoo.

She took a deep breath.

Everybody took his position.

took a book from the shelf.

He took office two years ago.

My father took us to the zoo.

He took pills to get to sleep.

took a picture of my family.

took a train bound for Paris.

He took a bite out of the pear.

He took the eggs out one by one.

The hunter took aim at the hare.

She took first prize in the race.

She took a pen out of her pocket.

The baby took another careful step.

He took a photograph of the family.

She took a lot of baggage with her.

took two aspirins for my headache.

He took the first place in the race.

He took a taxi to get there in time.

She took the car without permission.

We took the children to a pantomime.

She took the job purely and simply for the money.

That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain.

The cheers and laughter took a while to die down.

It took me a while to tease the truth out of him.

He took a very scientific approach to management.

The erection of the building took several months.

We took a defensive attitude in the negotiation.

We took the kids to the zoo for a special treat.

took an airplane for the first time in my life.

She took a bite of doughnut and licked her lips.

He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.

He attended his lectures and took copious notes.

He took up telephone receiver and began to dial.

took an aspirin to take the edge off the pain.

The examination he took last week was very hard.

They took a blood sample to test for hepatitis.

We took a day trip to the Palace of Versailles.

It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.

He took a master’s degree in economics at Yale.

Did you use flash when you took these pictures?

Once in a while my uncle took me to the harbor.

The teacher opened the box and took out a ball.

I had a headache, and I took the day off today.

It took three years to repay my student loan .

took her to court for repayment of the debt.

took a vacation to try to recover my sanity.

It took me ten minutes to walk to the station.

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