told you so in a sentence

Use “told you so” in a sentence | “told you so” example sentences

1- I said ” told you so “, waved and left.

2- Do not believe because somebody told you so !

3- They have told you so a thousand times.

4- To sum up: I told you so .

5- Before you start saying…I told you so .

6- Never say ‘I told you so .

7- you know, I told you so .

8- so please stop your non sense on I told you so .

9- We would hear only “I told you so !

10- I won’t say I told you so .

11- The men who invented the idea have told you so .

12- Belinda said, ‘I told you so .

13- Yeah, and then say told you so .

14- The ‘I told you so crowd’ immediately started taking shots.

Related Words:
tell the difference betweentold me not totell talesall toldtell ontell the timetell you whattold you sothat would be tellingtell it like it istell me your secrettell againsttell oftell offtelling the truth

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