tiny minority in a sentence

Use ‘tiny minority’ in a sentence | ‘tiny minority’ example sentences

1- It is a tiny, tiny minority .

2- True criminals are a tiny minority in any civilization.

3- In a tiny minority of cases mistakes have been made.

4- Not a tiny minority of it either.

5- Hopefully, you represent a tiny minority .

6- He was told only a tiny minority of extremists would object.

7- Christians are a tiny minority in a society where consensus is important.

8- Should that tiny minority threaten the whole world’s food production future?

9- Only a tiny minority would begrudge him anything .

10- And in Plato’s opinion that is only a tiny minority .

11- Only a tiny minority of people actually heard the Hodges call live.

12- But it is only a tiny minority that is likely to move.

13- While some undoubtedly are, they remain a tiny minority for now.

14- A few are touchers; a tiny minority of these ask first!

15- The circumstance of being a tiny minority proved to be a substantial advantage.

16- Easy target But these form a tiny minority of the nation’s pubs.

17- The tiny minorities who want to cling to the past must be rejected.

18- In both regions petty landowners were fairly common, though still only a tiny minority .

19- The official Liberals found themselves a tiny minority within a government committed to protectionism.

20- This means that a tiny minority chooses who among the leading candidates wins the race.

21- Nevertheless the organisations that provide proper training and equipment are in the tiny minority worldwide .

22- Participants in the recent violent demonstrations over an Islamophobic video were a tiny minority .

23- A tiny minority of Shia Bahraini citizens are ethnic Hasawis from Al-Hasa.

24- The wealthy are a tiny minority but still able to influence trends through their shopping habits .

25- A tiny minority managed to escape and save themselves for the time being at least.

26- The tiny minority worth as much as £40 should almost certainly be counted as yeomen.

27- Only a tiny minority of modern republics do not have a single head of state.

28- If you want a tiny minority into your game , then make it yourself?

29- Jews who speak Hebrew are a tiny minority of the worlds Semitic Languages speaking people .

30- In fact the victims are many, but the alleged abusers are only a tiny minority .

31- Sullivan does respond to the most vocal opponents, who make up a tiny minority .

32- Meanwhile, Indian-Americans, once a tiny minority here, today number 2.5 million people.

33- Parts of me thought all this was nonsense, but they were in a tiny minority .

34- How can such a tiny minority within a minority have such an influence over the national debate .

35- A tiny minority of scholars have argued for a deeper time depth of Proto-Indo-European in Europe.

36- For the sake of a tiny minority of possible abusers, the cyclist is being unreasonably inconvenienced.

37- The Jews of Britain were a tiny minority , less than one per cent of the population.

38- The teacher unions are playing down the numbers of those schools on the list as a tiny minority .

39- The Metropolitan Police will not hesitate to take firm action to free communities from this tiny minority .

40- And why should this tiny minority be able to indirectly force us to watch these numbers flow by? The views he represents are a tiny, tiny minority within the Republican Party.

41- And for a tiny minority, jihadism can be used to build an alternative worldview.

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