tinny in a sentence

Use ‘tinny’ in a sentence | ‘tinny’ example sentences

1- The instrument sets are tinny and thin.

2- The bubbles disappeared quickly and it tasted quite tinny .

3- However, using metal produces a very tinny tone.

4- Anne heard the tinny thrash of muted music.

5- The whole section sounds very tinny on the ear in 2013.

6- Unfortunately the camera microphone leaves it sounding a little tinny .

7- This results in a thin, tinny sound.

8- She laughed, a tinny , hollow sound.

9- I think they sound tinny and boring.

10- Without the pickups it’s pretty soft and tinny .

11- The church clock doled out ten strokes on its tinny bell.

12- The music is tinny , but the tunes are addicting.

13- Higher frequencies, though not distorted, still sound tinny and weak.

14- Re: Re: Alcohol stoves tinny makes really great stoves.

15- So most TV sound is simultaneously muffled, and tinny .

16- She was originally Spin’s teacher and is currently tinny‘s teacher.

17- tinny yells continued to come from the earpiece.

18- tinny plates filled with delightful lake salmon, or piled high with chicken.

19- The tinny voice carried to the whole group, despite its low volume.

20- A tinny music was trickling from the telescreens.

21- They’re a little tinny because of their small cabinets and speakers.

22- They were tinny and quirky, obsessive and manic, versatile and productive.

23- A tinny music trickled from the telescreens.

24- A tinny voice rang out, reading the ten o’clock news bulletin.

25- The sound is good too, but a bit tinny without the sustain pedal.

26- We imagine it will sound nicely tinny , but still cool none the less.

27- The glove compartment door thuds open ; the doors slam with a tinny echo.

28- The courtroom was silent except for the somewhat tinny tinkling of a small bell.

29- Even the tinny clatter of the sparrows was stilled.

30- tinny , screechy, sometimes with notes and fast playing becoming an indistinguishable mess.

31- Campbell writes “A tinny “The Way We Were” kept me awake.

32- Four ROLLS, his guns RECHARGING with their characteristic tinny whine.

33- They heard the tinny clatter of its properties rattled round the yard among running feet.

34- And the sound that does make it through is weak, tinny and clanky.

35- I was expecting a lot more but found their sound to be tinny and weak.

36- Sounded tinny in the beginning, but cleared up when the actual game began.

37- It was a metal flat – bottomed boat best described as a ‘ tinny ‘.

38- tinny feels ashamed of himself, and decides he has to help no matter what.

39- A bit tinny , too.

40- But the four-cylinder engine can sound a bit tinny at times, especially under hard acceleration. A woeful Arabic song plays out from the tinny speakers of one man’s phone.

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