Third World in a sentence

Use ‘Third World’ in a sentence | ‘Third World’ example sentences

1- No global Third World war ever took place.

2- In Third World countries food transmitted illnesses kill millions every year.

3- Many are located in Third World countries.

4- It is excellent but the regular consumer support is Third World .

5- We are not a Third World country.

6- This is not limited to Third World countries.

7- Greece is a Third World economic basket case of dysfunctional socialism .

8- Third World countries are poor by many criteria.

9- The U.S. is becoming a Third World nation too.

10- Yes Nike is providing jobs in Third World countries.

11- No wonder Third World sugar producers feel discriminated against.

12- Are we now a Third World country?

13- Third World races have a very different culture.

14- And Bush has turned into a Third World country.

15- Third World people are prohibited from getting kerosene?

16- Emergency rooms will resemble Third World countries in the coming years.

17- Nobody really wants to have a Third World war.

18- The message was to highlight hunger issues in the Third World .

19- Spencer returned to win his Third World title in 1977.

20- Third World trying to pretend we are first world.

21- Development planning in the Third World is a team exercise.

22- Acid attacks have been imported from the Third World .

23- We call them Third World and we call ourselves industrialized .

24- Is the Third World war bound to take place?

25- Some Third World firms have extended further into the developed world.

26- History will repeat itself in these Third World countries.

27- Many still fly today, especially in the Third World .

28- The GW fanatics never mention population growth in the Third World .

29- There is nothing civil about Third World environmental activism.

30- America reduced to ‘ Third World status’.

31- It seems you confuse Third World countries.

32- In the Third World however religious myths are still strong.

33- This system hits the Third World poor hardest.

34- American foreign aid has often harmed the Third World poor.

35- In the Third World gardening is absurd.

36- Dirt floors and shacks are typical of Third World countries.

37- Third World countries felt that their concerns remained unaddressed.

38- Such decentralization has happened in India and other Third World nations.

39- Oxfam’s work has brought the Third World closer to home.

40- The issue of Third World poverty is very pressing.

41- Rock singer Bono has been a passionate advocate for Third World debt relief in recent years.

42- The Third World faces the twin problems of rapid population growth and economic underdevelopment.

43- Many of the people leading today’s anti-sweatshop movement are longtime advocates of the Third World‘s poor and marginalized.

44- Too many large corporations extract incredible profits from factories producing goods in the Third World, where workers are paid as little as $2.

45- 00 a day.

46- “We’re approaching Third World care in the state of Georgia,” Lewis said.

47- Burroughs, 27, won his Third World crown to close the championships in Las Vegas.

48- 815651The United States is seeking its Third World Cup title, but first since 1999.

49- 743548The losing team shirts end up on the backs of people in Third World countries.

More Sentences: 12
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