thickheaded in a sentence

Use ‘thickheaded’ in a sentence | ‘thickheaded’ example sentences

1- I’m thickheaded and stubborn so I decided to push on.

2- I’d give him subtle cues, and when he didn’t respond in the ways I was hoping for, I blamed him for being thickheaded .

3- At NFI, weve made several references to the importance of health in men throughout our variety of resources and content . However, the doctors blog featured a few sentences that made me question just how thickheaded are men about getting healthy.

4- We become angry when thickheaded sons of landowners shoot at crosses placed on kozak burial mounds; we get even more upset when we discover that some unsophisticated people are killing off some nice birds somewhere, we write books, read lectures – why do we not take to this matter, when the same thing is happening with live people … a kobzar – this is the same good bird, feeding itself it does good for those around him – and to science, passing on good in their dumas and psalms.

5- You may not even want to fall asleep … ☆Characters☆ Sei (Voice: Takaya Kuroda, also the voice of Kazuma Kiryu in “Yakuza”) Age: 35 Occupation: Bar owner Type: Kind but thickheaded adult Sample phrases: “You’re the only one I let this close” “You’re so lovey dovey today” “I would never leave you without saying anything” Features: It’s very easy to use!

6- Kerry is as thickheaded as Obama who do you raise taxes on Unemployment Rate in Egypt increased to 13 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 from 12.50 percent in the third quarter of 2012 .

7- Considering that Swamy uses whatever prominence he has as a platform to malign the world’s Muslims, trumpeting a thickheaded and violent brand of Hindu hyper-nationalism, Harvard must not continue to add legitimacy to his name.

8- i dont know how one could possibly take up such a thickheaded position on the matter.

9- “On “Archer”, the arrogant, thickheaded superspy puts the moves on any curvy woman he encounters,” affirmed Ken Tucker of “Entertainment Weekly” in his review of “The Man from Jupiter”. He is thickheaded.

10- Kankuro is somewhat thickheaded, and often fails to take Miki’s resourcefulness into account when he schemes against her.

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