thickets in a sentence

Use ‘thickets’ in a sentence | ‘thickets’ example sentences

1- Fourteen percent is woodlands – several kinds of forest and thickets .

2- Rams caught by horns on convenient thickets .

3- The vegetation is mainly coastal savannah shrubs interspersed with thickets .

4- Under his sudden shadow, flames cry out among thickets .

5- These inhabit thickets within dense and dry savanna woodlands.

6- It nests in caves, hollow trees, or thickets .

7- They have developed mountain biking trails through dense thickets of autumn-olive.

8- thickets can be removed with a net.

9- Many Erik entirely covered with thickets zhidovilnika.

10- The understorey of moist conifer forests may contain thickets of bamboo.

11- Much of this construction has occurred within dense thickets of autumn-olive.

12- It can recolonise disturbed areas, and may grow in thickets .

13- Left unmanaged, they develop into large, sprawling thickets .

14- Newcomb says they’re found in woods and thickets .

15- The hazel and hawthorn thickets provide shelter and food for birds .

16- thickets of fern grow in the forests, though not abundantly.

17- Several attacks were repulsed and the enemy was driven into the bamboo thickets .

18- Pregnant females isolate themselves and into thickets as parturition approaches.

19- These grasslands have greatly spaced trees and also contain bushes and dense thickets .

20- Most people don’t go picnic in the thickets , though!

21- The undulating terrain is set off by sal forests and thickets of bamboo.

22- This bird prefers coastal evergreen or lowland forest, deciduous thickets or dense woodland.

23- By 1847, thickets of weeds and shrubs had taken over the cemetery.

24- They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain.

25- Also in secondary forests and thickets .

26- The lake is surrounded by and includes marsh, swamp and alder thickets .

27- Invasive plant thickets of blackberry and reed canarygrass were prolific.

28- In 1710, this dry valley was covered with scrub oak in sparse thickets .

29- Grassland, reed thickets , farmland, and fish farms surround the site.

30- This is the way large shrubs or thickets of Crassula ovata develop.

31- Nests are also constructed in thickets , orchards, and scrubby woods.

32- They settled on adjoining farms near Darien, called “The thickets “.

33- It included a dozen villages and hamlets scattered between thickets , meadows and woods.

34- Overgrown thickets and dense copses were the perfect haunts for a bird lover.

35- The blackberry plants created dense and robust thickets that choked out all native plants.

36- Not at the bait, but just on browse in the thickets .

37- They are also found in coastal and flood plain swamps and low shrubby thickets .

38- Black-billed magpies frequent open country with thickets and scattered trees, especially riparian groves.

39- Impressive riverine forests and dense impenetrable thickets are important habitats within the Selous.

40- Prefers woodlands and thickets that attract the small birds they like to hunt. Pandas live in bamboo thickets.

41- They generally occur in forests or thickets.

42- The snake favors wooded areas, brush and thickets although it is also commonly seen in suburban yards.

43- On Hawaii it was forming impenetrable thickets on Kauai and Hilo by the 1950s (Hosaka and Thistle, 1954 in Langeland and Burks, 1999).

44- Before irrigation farming began, dense thickets of mallee characterized most of northwestern Victoria, and areas of south-western New South Wales.

45- They are flanked by dense thickets of yew which originally, perhaps, were kept low and shaven.

46- Their preferred breeding habitats are dense willow and alder thickets as well as spruce and fir bogs.

47- CD An album by The Darkest of the Hillside thickets was released a year before the role-playing game hit retail shelves.

48- The species is capable of producing adventitious shoots or ‘suckers’ from the root system and in this manner often forms thickets.

49- Salvia potaninii is a herbaceous perennial plant that is native to Sichuan province in China, growing in thickets at m (0 ft) elevation.

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