thickest in a sentence

Use ‘thickest’ in a sentence | ‘thickest’ example sentences

1- The thickest surfaces is stone or concrete.

2- The central arm is the strongest and thickest .

3- The mountain gorilla also has the thickest hair.

4- Which plants had the thickest leaves? 7.

5- Head hair is now coarse and thickest .

6- This dance is performed among the thickest bustle of the hive.

7- The thermometer should penetrate the thickest part of the food.

8- Sea otter fur is the thickest fur of any animal.

9- He had the biggest, thickest neck I ever saw.

10- Oceanic crust is thinnest; continental crust is thickest .

11- Sea otters possess the thickest fur than any other mammal.

12- Sea otters have the thickest fur of any mammal.

13- The crowds will be thickest in the summer.

14- These are just about the thickest cups illy has ever released.

15- I went into the thickest of it.

16- Check the beef by inserting a knife into the thickest part .

17- The dildo was definitely the thickest and the longest.

18- The Tuggeranong area has the thickest deposits.

19- They are the thickest of the cytoskeleton structures.

20- This will make the thickest froth ever.

21- They were described as the strongest and thickest that they had seen.

22- The belt was at its thickest above and at the waterline.

23- Meghalaya has some of the thickest surviving forests in the country.

24- Across the thickest part of my low volume breasts is 35.5″.

25- The sediments would be thickest in the northwest where basin depth was greatest.

26- The oldest ice being the thickest .

27- Plaque accumulation tends to be thickest along the gumline.

28- Look at the thickest part of the fish just under the head.

29- thickest night, surround my dwelling!

30- thickest night, surround my dwelling!

31- Cacti have a waxy coating, thickest on the sunny side.

32- The tunica adventitia of these vessels is by far the thickest layer.

33- The halo ring is the innermost and the vertically thickest Jovian ring.

34- It ‘s the thickest and the fifth biggest planet in Solar System.

35- The thickest reeds available were used, tinted black to look convincingly like charcoal.

36- This “prime” condition indicates that the fur is in its thickest state.

37- It’s about 3 inches long and an inch wide at its thickest .

38- The distribution of the adipose tissue IS thickest close to the body wall.

39- These were thickest round the comedians, the film stars and the pop singers.

40- Vanilla ice cream made from the thickest cream, and hot chocolate fudge. Sea otters have the thickest fur of any animal, with over a million hairs per square inch.

41- Borders * The sagittal border, the longest and thickest, is dentated (has toothlike projections) and articulates with its fellow of the opposite side, forming the sagittal suture.

42- Her deck armor was merely 25 mm at the thickest point.

43- Jewell, p. 43. Cypress trees grow in formations with the tallest and thickest trunks in the center, rooted in the deepest peat.

44- Paha sapa limestone, the top layer, is the thickest (300 to 600 feet) and is buff colored and weathered gray in appearance.

45- There is a snow cover approximately for 100 days in a year, the thickest being in February, leaving the skiing slopes also covered with artificial snow when necessary.

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